跪求主题为people and technology的两人英语对话
A:Have you everseen the latest technology?
B :Yes,I havebeen to Japan and saw something amazing there!
A:Did you enjoythe advanced technology there?
B :Sure!Thatwas great,but there is something that makes me think…
A:What made youthink?
B:Hmm,whydo people develop the advanced technology?
A:I think it isbecause we want a better life,what do you think?
B :I thinkso,but sometimes technology doesn’t make us happy.For example,when I was playing on my iphone or Pad in my study,my wife would just sit in acouch watching TV,son would just be busy playing his PSP…WHERE is my familyand happiness?I can’t find it anymore!
A:I think it is not your own problem!Sometimes advanced technology doesn’t help people at all.
B :Luckily I realized this problem,and I began to change it in my home.
A:what did you do with it?
B :we made rules about the “Family Time” and “Play time”!During the “Family Time”,everyone must be together talking and laughing,just to enjoy the happiness of a family.
A:Anyway,it is also useful to have advanced technology.
B :of course it is!So during our “Play time”,we can do something with our advanced technologies,such as computer,phones,Pads,and so on…
A:You are definitely smart!How was your wife and son’s reaction?
B :They both agreed with me and our family time comes back again.
B :Yes,I havebeen to Japan and saw something amazing there!
A:Did you enjoythe advanced technology there?
B :Sure!Thatwas great,but there is something that makes me think…
A:What made youthink?
B:Hmm,whydo people develop the advanced technology?
A:I think it isbecause we want a better life,what do you think?
B :I thinkso,but sometimes technology doesn’t make us happy.For example,when I was playing on my iphone or Pad in my study,my wife would just sit in acouch watching TV,son would just be busy playing his PSP…WHERE is my familyand happiness?I can’t find it anymore!
A:I think it is not your own problem!Sometimes advanced technology doesn’t help people at all.
B :Luckily I realized this problem,and I began to change it in my home.
A:what did you do with it?
B :we made rules about the “Family Time” and “Play time”!During the “Family Time”,everyone must be together talking and laughing,just to enjoy the happiness of a family.
A:Anyway,it is also useful to have advanced technology.
B :of course it is!So during our “Play time”,we can do something with our advanced technologies,such as computer,phones,Pads,and so on…
A:You are definitely smart!How was your wife and son’s reaction?
B :They both agreed with me and our family time comes back again.
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