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I would bend my knees and pray
I’m waiting for guidance night and day
I look to the stars to find a way
To say I love you
If the angels let me try
For you I would climb the mountains high
And sing to the heaven in your eyes
To say I love you
People used to call me solitaire
Wandering about without a care
Thought I knew what life could give
I walked the end of the line
I have been to places never known
Proud to make the journey on my own
Still I always dreamed to live
The day you give me the sign
I would bend my knees and pray
I’m waiting for guidance night and day
I look to the stars to find a way
To say I love you
If the angels let me try
For you I would climb the mountains high
And sing to the heaven in your eyes
To say I love you
Every day a life with you to share
Every night with someone being there
Do you share my dream to live
The day I g


  I would bend my knees and pray  我愿屈膝祷告  I’m waiting for guidance night and day  我日夜等候引导  I look to the stars to find a way  我注视星辰,寻找道路  To say I love you  只为...
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