The case study
A virtual assignment does notrequire the individual to physically relocate to a
foreignorganizational unit but rather distributes international responsibilities asmanaged from the individual’s home base. The growth of virtual assignments hasbeen facilitated by improvements in information technology over the last decadeto the extent that whole teams now regularly collaborate and communicate viaemail, telephone and videoconferencing.
As a newly appointed Project Manager of a financedepartment team, you consider that you will be able to manage the project (introduction of a new software foraccounting processes) virtually from your office at headquarters inParis/France, even though the othersix members are located in Munich/Germany.
This will solve your personal dilemma as you and yourfamily do not want to be relocated. The project has a six-month deadline.
What factors should you need to consider in order tomake this specific
The case study
A virtual assignment does notrequire the individual to physically relocate to a
foreignorganizational unit but rather distributes international responsibilities asmanaged from the individual’s home base. The growth of virtual assignments hasbeen facilitated by improvements in information technology over the last decadeto the extent that whole teams now regularly collaborate and communicate viaemail, telephone and videoconferencing.
As a newly appointed Project Manager of a financedepartment team, you consider that you will be able to manage the project (introduction of a new software foraccounting processes) virtually from your office at headquarters inParis/France, even though the othersix members are located in Munich/Germany.
This will solve your personal dilemma as you and yourfamily do not want to be relocated. The project has a six-month deadline.
What factors should you need to consider in order tomake this specific
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