A lamb went out with some sheep one day.She found some nice grass in the field,so she moved farther and farther away from the others.
She was enjoying herself so much that she did not know a wolf was coming towards her.The wolf quickly caught her and she shouted,"Please,please don’t eat me.My stomach is full of grass.If you wait a while,I will taste much better."
The wolf thought that this was a good idea,so he sat down and waited.After a while,the lamb said,"If you allow1 me to dance,the grass in my stomach will be digested2 faster."Again the wolf agreed.
While the lamb was dancing,she had an idea.She said,"Please take the bell from around my neck.If you ring it as hard as you can,I will be able to dance even faster."
The wolf rang it as hard as possible.The shepherd3 heard the bell ring and quickly sent his dogs to look for the lamb.In the end,the barking dogs frightened4 the wolf away and saved the lamb.
A lamb went out with some sheep one day.She found some nice grass in the field,so she moved farther and farther away from the others.
She was enjoying herself so much that she did not know a wolf was coming towards her.The wolf quickly caught her and she shouted,"Please,please don’t eat me.My stomach is full of grass.If you wait a while,I will taste much better."
The wolf thought that this was a good idea,so he sat down and waited.After a while,the lamb said,"If you allow1 me to dance,the grass in my stomach will be digested2 faster."Again the wolf agreed.
While the lamb was dancing,she had an idea.She said,"Please take the bell from around my neck.If you ring it as hard as you can,I will be able to dance even faster."
The wolf rang it as hard as possible.The shepherd3 heard the bell ring and quickly sent his dogs to look for the lamb.In the end,the barking dogs frightened4 the wolf away and saved the lamb.
- 1数列{bn}满足:b1=10,b(n+1)=100*bn^3,求数列{bn}的通项公式bn
- 2甲、乙两人从学校去公园,甲步行提前出发,每小时走4千米,1小时后,乙骑车出发,经过半小时追上甲,
- 3甲乙两堆煤的重量比是5:4,如果从甲堆中运出260吨到乙堆,这时甲、乙两堆煤的重量比是3:5.现在乙堆煤有多少吨?
- 4一个新建学校需要配备15个教室的课桌椅.一套课桌椅售价200元,每个教室要配30套,一共需要多少元?
- 50.02㎡=( )平方分米=( )
- 6质量为m=2kg的木块在倾角θ=37度的斜面上由静止开始下滑,木块与斜面间的动摩擦因数为0.5
- 7从句式的角度看,难道我们真的是魔鬼么?是疑问句还是反问句还是其他?
- 8两辆汽车从相距84km的两地同时相向而行,甲车速度比乙车速度快20km/h,半小时后两车相遇,两车速度各是多少
- 9将正偶数按下表排成5列
- 10根据所学知识,列举3例史实,说明人类文明史在过去各个种族、各个地区文明冲撞和交融的基础上形成的
- 1小红买6角和8角的邮票共有12张,用去8.8元钱,这两种邮票各买多少张?
- 24.某家用电器正常工作时的功率约为400瓦,则他可能是;
- 3成语接龙 如:秀外慧中
- 4等到-------------(荷花古诗)的时候.预示着秋天已经进入尾声了.
- 5be typical of 后面能跟人吗?
- 6矩形ABCD的长为10宽为6,点E.F将AC三等份,则三角形BEF的面积是多少
- 7一只蜘蛛有8条腿,一只蜻蜓有6条腿2对翅膀,蝉有6条腿1对翅膀,现在有三种昆虫共18只,腿118条,翅膀20对,那么三种昆虫各有多少只?
- 8西周时期,全国土地归谁所有
- 9设(√3+1)/(√3-1)的整数部分是a,小数部分是b,那么a²+b²的值是多少
- 10将10分之9米,平均分成3分,每份长( )米,每份是2分之1米的( )