as the world market has been rather dull recently owing to the global finacial crises.mr.white,a businessman from india,would like to have the total amount paid by l/c.however,mr.lee would not consider his proposal and insist on 50% by t/t and the remaining 50%of the total amount by l/c.mr.lee thought he would assume the risk of not getting paid by the bank if business is done on l/c basis alone with a customer from a country like india,at last they reach an agreement of 30% by t/t and the remaining by l/c
as the world market has been rather dull recently owing to the global finacial crises.mr.white,a businessman from india,would like to have the total amount paid by l/c.however,mr.lee would not consider his proposal and insist on 50% by t/t and the remaining 50%of the total amount by l/c.mr.lee thought he would assume the risk of not getting paid by the bank if business is done on l/c basis alone with a customer from a country like india,at last they reach an agreement of 30% by t/t and the remaining by l/c
Mr White:You know,Mr Lee,the global market has been very depressing recently due to the financial crises.I prefer the term of payment of 100% L/C.Mr.Lee:I can understand your point,Mr.White.But I'm af...
- 1质量不同而具有相同动能的两个物体,在动摩擦因数相同的水平面上滑行到停止,则( ) A.质量大的滑行的距离大 B.它们克服阻力做的功一样多 C.质量大的滑行的加速度小 D.质量大的滑
- 2我国平均人口密度
- 3a,b,c为非零有理数,求|ab|分之ab+|bc|分之bc+|ac|+ac+|abc|分之abc的值
- 435/6除70的商,再除以6/7,结果是多少.有过程
- 5当实数x、y满足约束条件x≥0y≤x2x+y+k≤0 (k为常数)时,z=x+3y有最大值为12,则实数k的值是( ) A.-12 B.-9 C.9 D.12
- 6我们中国人在端午节是吃粽子 翻译成英语
- 7He will go abroad to study______.
- 8与……相处 翻译英语
- 9水蒸气、氧气、一氧化碳能充气球吗?
- 10关于六年级复习的语文练习