British mainland western Europe from Great Britain and Ireland,north-east and many nearby islands.The full name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.She east by the North Sea,the Atlantic Ocean to the west,up to the North Atlantic off Iceland,Yugoslavia and the European continent,separated only by a strip of water,the English Channel.British total area of about 243,000 square kilometers.The main island is a British territory of Great Britain from northern Scotland.southwest of the southern and central parts of England and Wales,three regional groupings.England area of 130,000 square kilometers which,accounting for most of the island of Great Britain; Wales area of 20,000 square kilometers,territory is mountainous and rugged; Scottish area of 78,000 square kilometers.Northern Ireland area of 14,000 square kilometers.Britain is about 1,000 km from south to north and 50 ° north latitude and 61 ° C; Most things is not more than 500 km wide,east longitude 1 ° 45 'W 8 ° 10' between.Zero meridian through the southeast London GMT (Greenich).British coastline of about 11,500 km.Although the British high latitudes,but due to a single Atlantic,not the cold winter.British maritime climate temperate broadleaf forests.In normal years,the hottest (July),the average temperature of 19-25 degrees Celsius.the coldest (January),the average temperature of 4-7 degrees Celsius.British uneven rainfall throughout England low-lying,with an average rainfall of 830 mm,west,Mountain precipitation in the northern part of a larger,up to 4,000 mm.Britain is the main mineral resources of coal,iron,oil and gas.Hard coal reserves of 170 billion tons.Rail reserves of about 3.8 billion tons.In the United Kingdom North Sea continental shelf oil reserves of about 10-40 million tons.8600-25,850 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves in between.Britain's total population of about 59 million,of which 50 million in England,Scotland,five million,three million in Wales.Northern Ireland 2 million.In the British capital of London,England.
- 1例:已知代数式9-6y-4y ²=7,求2y ²+3y+7的值
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- 3关于国标GB/T18204.26-2000公共场所空气中甲醛的测定方法方法的问题.
- 4分解因式:①9(x-y)²-(x+y)² 、 ②1-6mn+9m²n²
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- 92009年4月16日,国家统计局发布:一季度,城镇居民人均可支配收入为4 834元,与去年同时期相比增长10.2%.4 834元用科学记数法表示为_元.
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