求一篇关于养宠物的英语作文 120个字就行
1.养宠物已成为一种时尚 2.人们饲养宠物的原因各异 3.你是否赞同养宠物,理由是什么
1.养宠物已成为一种时尚 2.人们饲养宠物的原因各异 3.你是否赞同养宠物,理由是什么
Keeping pets has become a trend in today's world.There are many reasons why people keep pets.For instance,they might want some company,or are just animal lovers.Kids also often love pets are they can play with them.Also,pets such as dogs can be used to guard the house,and fish can be used as decoration.I think that having pets is a good thing,but do not approve of some of the breeding methods used on some pets,especially dogs and cats,in order to sell them to pet owners.If a person adopts a stray and keeps it as a pet,it is a good thing.This way,not only will the strays be kept off the streets,but the person can also enjoy the companionship of the pets.However,there are also animals that are not suited to be kept as pets,such as those that run in the wild freely.In such a case,keeping them as pets would be akin to torture.While I agree that having pets is a good thing in some instances as it might enrich a person's lives,the lives of the pets must also be taken into consideration.In conclusion,I think that it is acceptable for people to have certain pets that are used to domestication,but that they should not seek rare pets and imprison them for their own entertainment.
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