“Western parents are often to push the children to leave home when they are 18 years old,and encourage and teach them to be independent and self-reliant”
What's the pros and cons between Western parents and Chinese parents?
What's the pros and cons between Western parents and Chinese parents?
western parents always ask their children to leave the family when they are 18 years old .
i think it is the most effective way for the children to improve their ability.from it people could cultivate independence and they will become more self-reliant.you know if people leave home they need to learn how to rent the house and how to earn more money because it is the basic skill people always get it.it is important for them to get more chance to contact the society and meet different kinds of people,and then,the ability to deal with the things and communicate with other people will be improved.at the same time,they can gather more valuable social experience for their future life and career.
it is opposite in china.parents always live with their children when they are older.for one thing the children could get more help from their parents when they graduate from school with a confusion.at this time parents as a good teacher could help their children find the suitable way because they have more experience to understand how to cope with it.however for the other thing it may cause the children to rely more.they can't know exactly what is the real independance.
i think it is the most effective way for the children to improve their ability.from it people could cultivate independence and they will become more self-reliant.you know if people leave home they need to learn how to rent the house and how to earn more money because it is the basic skill people always get it.it is important for them to get more chance to contact the society and meet different kinds of people,and then,the ability to deal with the things and communicate with other people will be improved.at the same time,they can gather more valuable social experience for their future life and career.
it is opposite in china.parents always live with their children when they are older.for one thing the children could get more help from their parents when they graduate from school with a confusion.at this time parents as a good teacher could help their children find the suitable way because they have more experience to understand how to cope with it.however for the other thing it may cause the children to rely more.they can't know exactly what is the real independance.
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