ShanXi Seafood Grill
ShanXi Seafood Grill is an upscale seafood restaurant offering simply-prepared fresh fish,premium steaks,an impressive wine cellar and handcrafted cocktails.Our chic-casual atmosphere suits any occasion,with seamless service and imaginative seafood dishes that truly set us apart from other seafood restaurants.
We are interviewing Assistant General Managers with 3-5 years of upscale dining management experience.ShanXi Seafood Grill also has an opening for a part-time cook to help with restaurant and tournament lunches and dinners.Individual must be a self-motivated and independent worker with previous food service experience.
Interested candidates can submit a resume to:
shanxi@jobsopportunity.com or fax 9323-222-2927
We are scheduling appointments for face-to-face interviews with our management recruiter:
Wednesday,August 17th.
If interested,please submit a resume or call Ms.Ling @ 900-297-7036 Ext.227.
ShanXi Seafood Grill is an upscale seafood restaurant offering simply-prepared fresh fish,premium steaks,an impressive wine cellar and handcrafted cocktails.Our chic-casual atmosphere suits any occasion,with seamless service and imaginative seafood dishes that truly set us apart from other seafood restaurants.
We are interviewing Assistant General Managers with 3-5 years of upscale dining management experience.ShanXi Seafood Grill also has an opening for a part-time cook to help with restaurant and tournament lunches and dinners.Individual must be a self-motivated and independent worker with previous food service experience.
Interested candidates can submit a resume to:
shanxi@jobsopportunity.com or fax 9323-222-2927
We are scheduling appointments for face-to-face interviews with our management recruiter:
Wednesday,August 17th.
If interested,please submit a resume or call Ms.Ling @ 900-297-7036 Ext.227.
- 1简要说明如何制定地表水污染监测方案
- 2一根长96cm的铁丝围成一个长方形,长和宽的比是5:3这个长方形的面积是多少?(用比例
- 3在平直的公路上,运动员骑自行车加速前进,有关车轮所受摩擦力方向的说法中正确的是( ) A.前、后车轮所受摩擦力方向都向后 B.前轮所受摩擦力方向向后,后轮所受摩擦力方向向前
- 4英语翻译
- 5把体积是282.6立方厘米的长方体铁块熔铸成一个底面半径是6厘米的圆柱形机器零件,圆锥零件的高是多少?
- 6一辆客车从甲地开往乙地,第一天行了全程的1/5,第二天行了450千米,这时已行的路程与剩下的路程的比是3:7.甲乙两地相距多少千米?
- 7let,lie,light,lose,make,mean,meet,pay,put,read,ride,rise,run,say,see,sell,send,过去式过去分词
- 8甲、乙两车分别从A、B两地相向而行,乙车速度是甲车的4/5,两车在离中点30千米处相遇,A、B间距离是多少?
- 9the process also provides consumers with more goods at lower prices.
- 10从A站到B站,甲车要10小时,乙车要行8小时,甲车速度比乙车速度慢百分之几