my favourit song---"Can you feel love tonight?"
Have you ever seen the film "Lion King"?Do you remember one of it's beautiful songs "Can you feel love tonight",which was sung by Elton John,a wordl-famous singer.
In the story,Simba was a little lion whose father was killed by his uncle.As Simba didn't know the truth,he thought it was his own fault and felt deeply sorry and disapoint.Thus he hid himself from his family and lived a peaceful life.One day,when he met Nana,who was his best friend if his childhood,he recalled everything.He wanted to return to his family but he was afraid.Nana encouraged him a lot.Then they sang this song.Finally,Simba went back to his family and beet his uncle to become the real king of the lions.
Every time when I listened to this song,I felt happy and confindient.It was smooth and light but the words were really powerful.It seemed that it kept on telling me not to give up for ever even though I met many problems.
Have you ever seen the film "Lion King"?Do you remember one of it's beautiful songs "Can you feel love tonight",which was sung by Elton John,a wordl-famous singer.
In the story,Simba was a little lion whose father was killed by his uncle.As Simba didn't know the truth,he thought it was his own fault and felt deeply sorry and disapoint.Thus he hid himself from his family and lived a peaceful life.One day,when he met Nana,who was his best friend if his childhood,he recalled everything.He wanted to return to his family but he was afraid.Nana encouraged him a lot.Then they sang this song.Finally,Simba went back to his family and beet his uncle to become the real king of the lions.
Every time when I listened to this song,I felt happy and confindient.It was smooth and light but the words were really powerful.It seemed that it kept on telling me not to give up for ever even though I met many problems.
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