Read the diary and write the missing words.Write one word on each line.
Last night,Tom and i camped ( )a field behind Tom's house.It was a hot light,so we( )not close the door of our tent.We talked( )school together,then we went to sleep.Suddenly,we woke up.It was colder( )earlier,and we could hear something in our tent.We were afaid,but then we saw that it was Cloud,Tom's puppy!She slept in our tent with us.She( )still there in the morning.We got up and( )breakfast.
Last night,Tom and i camped ( )a field behind Tom's house.It was a hot light,so we( )not close the door of our tent.We talked( )school together,then we went to sleep.Suddenly,we woke up.It was colder( )earlier,and we could hear something in our tent.We were afaid,but then we saw that it was Cloud,Tom's puppy!She slept in our tent with us.She( )still there in the morning.We got up and( )breakfast.
Last night,Tom and i camped ( in )a field behind Tom's house.It was a hot night,so we( did )not close the door of our tent.We talked( about )school together,then we went to sleep.Suddenly,we woke up.It was colder( and )earlier,and we could hear something in our tent.We were afaid,but then we saw that it was Cloud,Tom's puppy!She slept in our tent with us.She( was )still there in the morning.We got up and( made )breakfast.
我觉得,第四空格应该填and 才对 ,It was colder( and )earlier意思意译就是:天气很冷(比以前的早晨要冷),天色很早(比以前的早晨要早). 最后一个空格made breafast: 做早餐 . It was a hot night,so we( did )not close the door of our tent,应该填did,句意是:晚上很热,因此我们没有关上帐篷的门.
我觉得,第四空格应该填and 才对 ,It was colder( and )earlier意思意译就是:天气很冷(比以前的早晨要冷),天色很早(比以前的早晨要早). 最后一个空格made breafast: 做早餐 . It was a hot night,so we( did )not close the door of our tent,应该填did,句意是:晚上很热,因此我们没有关上帐篷的门.
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