Recently,silly Mr.Smith received an invitation to a fashionable party .Althouge he didn't know the hostess,he accepted the invitation .He was secretly very pleased because he felt that he was becoming more and more popular When the evening came ,he dressed up smartly,took a taxi,and told the driver to go to straight to the party.When Mr,Smith got there ,he found that about a hundred people had invited.He began to move around the hall.He spoke to all the other guests,whether he knew them or not.However ,he soon realized that he had never met any of other people present,although they all seemed to know each other.Yet Mr.Smith was feeling happy.He danced and danced with as many pretty women as he could find,feeling on top of the world.
Recently,silly Mr.Smith received an invitation to a fashionable party .Althouge he didn't know the hostess,he accepted the invitation .He was secretly very pleased because he felt that he was becoming more and more popular When the evening came ,he dressed up smartly,took a taxi,and told the driver to go to straight to the party.When Mr,Smith got there ,he found that about a hundred people had invited.He began to move around the hall.He spoke to all the other guests,whether he knew them or not.However ,he soon realized that he had never met any of other people present,although they all seemed to know each other.Yet Mr.Smith was feeling happy.He danced and danced with as many pretty women as he could find,feeling on top of the world.
- 136乘35分之34等于几
- 2(英语)帮手翻译个句子
- 3抛物线y=ax2+bx+c (a≠0)的最大值是5,则关于x的一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=7的根的判别式△与0的大小关系是:△_0.
- 4《岳阳楼记》中“然则何时而乐耶”中的“然”所指代的内容是什么?(用原文回答)
- 5A书42元,B书18元,C书35元,400元怎样把3本都购齐,还一元不剩?
- 6一个圆柱与一个圆锥的高相等,圆柱的底面半径是圆锥底面半径的1/4,圆柱的体积是圆锥的几分之几?
- 7设a=√10,b=√7+1,c=√3+√2,试比较a,b,c的大小关系
- 8中心在原点,焦点在x轴上的一个椭圆与一双曲线有共同的焦点F1.F2,且|F1F2|=6√13 ,椭圆的长半轴与双曲线
- 90.0118816开3次方根等于多少?
- 10如图所示,半径为R的圆盘绕垂直于盘面的中心轴匀速转动,其正上方h处沿OB方向水平抛出一小球,要使球与盘只碰一次,且落点为B, 求(1)小球的初速度v0 (2)圆盘转动的角速度ω.