口语讨论题目 Do you agree or disagree:people should always tell the truth?
对于讨论题一个小组的成员要分好工,有人唱红脸有人唱黑脸,for example
lets have a free talk.once my friend asked me if people should always tell the truth .in my opinion,people should always tell the truth because its one of the basic characters a good person should have 然后举例子so whats ur opinion ...记住讨论题不要光自己说每个人都说都参与你的份才会高.—but i cant agree with u u know sometimes we need some white lies(美丽的谎言),in order to make someone'dream come true举个例子我记得有过一个小孩身患重病眼也看不见想去北京看升旗,周围的人就变了一个美丽的谎言.还有we cant tell lies to our parents and we cant tell the truth to those bad people as well well we all have own opinoins,maybe sometimes we need some white lies but most of the time we should be honest and tell the truth .
lets have a free talk.once my friend asked me if people should always tell the truth .in my opinion,people should always tell the truth because its one of the basic characters a good person should have 然后举例子so whats ur opinion ...记住讨论题不要光自己说每个人都说都参与你的份才会高.—but i cant agree with u u know sometimes we need some white lies(美丽的谎言),in order to make someone'dream come true举个例子我记得有过一个小孩身患重病眼也看不见想去北京看升旗,周围的人就变了一个美丽的谎言.还有we cant tell lies to our parents and we cant tell the truth to those bad people as well well we all have own opinoins,maybe sometimes we need some white lies but most of the time we should be honest and tell the truth .
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