Keep things clean .This includes not just the food itself but also the utensils ,the kitchen ,and the food handlers .Hand washing is essential..Few people realize that this means scrubbing with a full lather for 30s .That is long time,but less scrubbing just doesn’t do the job of reducing bacteria .
Keep foods separate.keep raw foods separate from cooked foods .raws foods such as meat and poultry may contain harmful bacteria.Cooking will destory those bacteria and make the food safe .But the bacteria will remain on plates,cutting boards ,and utensils that have been in contact with the raw food .It is important that raw or already-cooked food not come in contact with these surfaces or with the raw juices of these foods .
Keep things clean .This includes not just the food itself but also the utensils ,the kitchen ,and the food handlers .Hand washing is essential..Few people realize that this means scrubbing with a full lather for 30s .That is long time,but less scrubbing just doesn’t do the job of reducing bacteria .
Keep foods separate.keep raw foods separate from cooked foods .raws foods such as meat and poultry may contain harmful bacteria.Cooking will destory those bacteria and make the food safe .But the bacteria will remain on plates,cutting boards ,and utensils that have been in contact with the raw food .It is important that raw or already-cooked food not come in contact with these surfaces or with the raw juices of these foods .
- 1矩形ABCD两条对角线相交于点O,O到短边距离比到长边的距离多8cm,矩形的周长为56cm,求矩形各边长
- 2将16个相同的小正方体拼成一个体积为16立方厘米的长方体,表面涂上漆,然后分开,则3个面涂漆的小正方体最多有_个,最少有_个.
- 3“此票货物需做检测,有急用,所以用fedex运送”,这句英语怎么合适,
- 4太阳有几个地球大?
- 5(1 )东北区域跨三个温度带,三个干湿区( 2) 东北区域三面环山,是我国最大的天然林区
- 6已知抛物线y2=-x与直线y=k(x+1)相交于A、B两点.(1)求证:以AB为直径的圆过坐标系的原点O;(2)当△OAB的面积等于10时,求k的值.
- 7邹忌讽齐王纳谏说明齐王什么?
- 8硫化铅与双氧水反应离子方程式
- 99祁黄羊的人物介绍和故事
- 10新概念英语1第35课的问题
- 1What would you like,tea or coffe?这句话有哪几种回答
- 2写出下面十个所以然
- 3()()+()-()=()()*()=()()123456789填在括号内,使等式成立,不能重复
- 4角aob=90度 oa=ob 直线经过
- 5以“学会感恩,孝敬父母”为题,写一篇600字的文章
- 6若3amb2与-a4bn-1是同类项,求(n-m)2010的值.
- 7用一条长60厘米的铁丝围成正方形,面积是多少?围成长方形的周长是多少?
- 8我有一个远大的理想,那就是出国.这句话用英语怎么说
- 9在back中加多一个字母变什么单词
- 10Water covers most parts of the earth.(同义句) Most of the earth ()()()water.