the forbidden city
The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.It is located in the middle of Beijing,China,and now houses the Palace Museum.For almost five centuries,it served as the home of the Emperor and his household,as well as the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government.
Built from 1406 to 1420,the complex consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,707 bays of rooms and covers 720,000 square metres (7,800,000 square feet).The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture,and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere.The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987,and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.
The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.It is located in the middle of Beijing,China,and now houses the Palace Museum.For almost five centuries,it served as the home of the Emperor and his household,as well as the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government.
Built from 1406 to 1420,the complex consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,707 bays of rooms and covers 720,000 square metres (7,800,000 square feet).The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture,and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere.The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987,and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.
- 1an income tax return for the 2010 tax
- 2英语翻译
- 3二氧化硫与氧气反应生成三氧化硫,可逆反应
- 4当x=3,5-2倍根号7,7+π时,求代数式x的平方-2x+1/x的平方-1除以2x-2/x-1的值.
- 5一只小球在水平桌面上沿直线滚动,观察者通过置于桌端的平面镜观察到小球的像在竖直方向滚动,则平面镜与桌面的夹角为_.
- 6小胖和爸爸同时从甲乙两地出发相向而行,爸爸步行82米/分,小胖骑车,速度是爸爸的2.1倍,相遇时爸爸比小胖少行451米.求爸爸和小胖的相遇时间及甲乙两地的距离.
- 7急 ‘’‘’‘’‘ 初次见到 朋友 该用英语怎么说 2种 谢 谢
- 8已知函数f(x)=(2sin(x+派/3)+sinx)cosx-根号3sin^2x,若存在
- 9描写森林的一段话(不要动物)
- 10细胞外液钾离子浓度升高,静息电位和动作电位如何变化