An American,a French also has a Chinese to walk in the big desert,walks is walking was seeing that to a jar,after hitting the decap fills,flutters a person to come,that person said:“I am the deity,I can satisfy your each person three desire quot; American first snatched was saying:“the my first desire wants many money quot; The deity said:“this simplicity,satisfies you!Said second desire quot; The American said:I also want many money quot; After the deity satisfies his desire,the American also said his third desire:“makes me goes home quot; The deity said:“not question quot; Therefore the American was leading many Qian Hui the US.The deity also asks the French.The French said:“I want the beautiful woman!“the deity has given him the beautiful woman.The French also said:I also want the beautiful woman!“the deity has also satisfied him,has given him the beautiful woman.The French speaks of finally:“returns to me French quot; After deity delivers the French returning to homeland,asked that the Chinese wants anything.The Chinese said:“comes bottle white liquor quot first; The deity has given him.Asked that his second desire is anything.The Chinese said:Comes bottle of white liquor quot again; The deity asked that his third desire is anything.The Chinese said:“my very idea people and the American,you make them quot; French and American human spirit serious,but also has no alternative,three people have to continue Walks is walking is seeing a jar,after turning on the plug,emits a person,That person said:“I was that deity younger brother,supernatural power he had not excelled in a moment ago,Therefore can only satisfy your each person two desires.“ The French and the American equals
- 13升50毫升=(3.05 )立方分米
- 2西瓜减菠萝等6 西瓜加菠萝等12 问西瓜多少个?菠萝多少个?
- 3在用打点计时器测定小车加速度的实验中,一次纸带记录如图所示,所用交流电的频率为50HZ.从比较清晰的0点起,每5个打印点取一个计数点,分别标明1、2、3、4,并量得0与1两点间的距离s
- 44:12 分针与时针之间较小的角为()度?
- 5将下列不等式化成"x大于a"或"x小于a"的形式
- 6用氢气还原10克CuO,加热片刻后,冷却称得剩余固体物质量为8.4克,则参加反应CuO的质量是多少克?
- 71、等边三角形△ABC中,在边AB,AC上分别取点D,E,AD=CE,连结CD,BE交于点P,求∠BPC的度数.
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- 2生物学业水平测试题
- 3甲、乙两地相距s千米,某人骑自行车从甲地到乙地,走前一半路的速度是a千米∕时,走后一半路的速度是b千米∕时,那么这人骑自行车从甲地到乙地的平均速度是( ) A.sa+b B.s2a+s2b C.a+
- 4用什么试剂除去KNO3(KCI)中的杂质
- 5一次函数应用求解答~已知:一次函数的图像经过(2,-3)和(1,2)两点.(1)求出函数的解析式并画出图像
- 6已知三角形ABC的顶点A(5.1).AB边上中线CM所在直线方程为2x-y-5=0 AC边上高BM...
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- 8The teacher in blue is___of the tow.
- 9话题作文写什么?现在有三个选择:执着、诚实、坚强 选哪个呢?
- 10求篇的作文800字