Finally,I did these things,on the one hand is to develop your own skills,On the other hand is that you can contribute to society.Do not complain,I do everything good for you; Do not doubt,you will understand what I practices in the future how wise; Do not let up,your future is competitive.Your progress showed me all the efforts you’ve made and I’m really proud of you!Someday you'll understand my love for you is how deep,multiple!
Finally,I did these things,on the one hand is to develop your own skills,On the other hand is that you can contribute to society.Do not complain,I do everything good for you; Do not doubt,you will understand what I practices in the future how wise; Do not let up,your future is competitive.Your progress showed me all the efforts you’ve made and I’m really proud of you!Someday you'll understand my love for you is how deep,multiple!
Finally,I want to say that I did all these things with the hopes to develop your own abilities as well as enabling you to make contributions to the society.Do not complain,I did everything for your own good.Do not doubt,you will understand how wise I was.Do not loosen up,your future will be competitive.I will be really proud of your success!Someday you'll understand how deeply and earnestly I love you.
Finally,I want to say that I did all these things with the hopes to develop your own abilities as well as enabling you to make contributions to the society.Do not complain,I did everything for your own good.Do not doubt,you will understand how wise I was.Do not loosen up,your future will be competitive.I will be really proud of your success!Someday you'll understand how deeply and earnestly I love you.
- 1(1)3+5+7+9+…+73+75 (2)1÷(1÷2)÷(2÷3)÷…÷(1999÷2000)÷2000 (3)1240×3.8+124×51+1.24×1400+760×9.6+0.76×700
- 2柳宗元的《江雪 》是
- 3如图,线段AB=22cm,C是AB上的一点,M是AC的中点,N是BC的中点,求MN的长
- 4生活是写作的源泉,___________,为有源头活水来.
- 5湖心亭看雪 写金陵人的目的是什么
- 6for example for instance such as 的区别?
- 7she likes to play with her friends and eat grass
- 8已知一正弦交流电流,i=sin(314t+45°)A,则该交流电的最大值为?有效值为?角频率为?初相位为?
- 9汉译英:帮忙翻译一下!急!谢了!快的可追加悬赏!
- 10如图,在三角形ABC中,AB等于 AC,以AB为直径的圆O于边BC交与D,于边AC交与E,过点D作DF垂直AC与F
- 1谁告诉我热的对流和热辐射的区别啊.对流在空气中传输 辐射难道不需要空气吗
- 2一个空瓶质量是200g,如果装满水总质量是700g,今先向瓶内装一些金属颗粒,使瓶和金属颗粒总质量为1kg,然后再向瓶内装满水,则三者质量为1410g,问:瓶内所装金属得密度是多少?
- 3秦岭-淮河分界线,急,现在就要
- 4直线l过点M(-1,2)且与以P(-2,-3),Q(4,0)为两端点的线段PQ有公共点,求l斜率的取值
- 5用电子式表示氢化钠的形成过程
- 6甲乙两车运货,甲运5次,乙8次,甲比乙每次多4件,完时甲比乙少13件,乙每次几件?
- 7数学中的性质和定义的区别?多举几个例子...
- 8如果用a表示三个连续整数的中间那个数,那么另外两个整数分别是( )和( )
- 9甲仓库比乙仓库多存粮10吨.如果把甲仓库所存粮食的1/5运进乙仓库,那么两个仓库存粮的数量相等.
- 10(1)两数相除商3余4,如果把被除数,除数,商及余数相加,和是43,被除数和除数各是多少?