Urbanisation negatively affects the land use.
Urbanisation causes rapid expansion of urban area,and this could accelerated decrease wild animals habitats and biodiversity and agricultural ecosystems.
“Urban footprints” is another issue especially in developed countries.Urbanisation resulted in an increase in consumption of the higher population,and a rising demand for natural resources which requires land-use change.This change have contributed to the loss of habitat and damage of the ecosystem.
For example,because of the rising demand for meat in city,tropical forests in Tabasco were razed.Also,rising demand for soybeans and meat in urban areas led to accelerating deforestation in the Brazilian.
Expansion of the city caused the increase of demand of freshwater resources,which increased the contradiction between the demands on fresh water and agriculture.South-to-North Water Diversion in China is such an extreme example of this contra
Urbanisation negatively affects the land use.
Urbanisation causes rapid expansion of urban area,and this could accelerated decrease wild animals habitats and biodiversity and agricultural ecosystems.
“Urban footprints” is another issue especially in developed countries.Urbanisation resulted in an increase in consumption of the higher population,and a rising demand for natural resources which requires land-use change.This change have contributed to the loss of habitat and damage of the ecosystem.
For example,because of the rising demand for meat in city,tropical forests in Tabasco were razed.Also,rising demand for soybeans and meat in urban areas led to accelerating deforestation in the Brazilian.
Expansion of the city caused the increase of demand of freshwater resources,which increased the contradiction between the demands on fresh water and agriculture.South-to-North Water Diversion in China is such an extreme example of this contra
Urbanisation negatively affects the land use.
Urbanisation causes rapid expansion of urban areas,and this could acceleratedly decrease wild animals habitats ,biodiversity and agricultural ecosystems.
“Urban footprints” is another issue especially in developed countries.Urbanisation has resulted in an increase in consumption of the higher population,and a rising demand for natural resources which requires land-use change.This change has contributed to the loss of habitat and damage of the ecosystem.
For example,because of the rising demand for meat in city,tropical forests in Tabasco were razed.Also,rising demand for soybeans and meat in urban areas leads to accelerating deforestation in Brazil.
Expansion of the city causes the increase of demand of fresh water resources,which increases the contradiction between the demands on fresh water and agriculture.South-to-North Water Diversion in China is an extreme example of this contradiction.
Urbanisation causes rapid expansion of urban areas,and this could acceleratedly decrease wild animals habitats ,biodiversity and agricultural ecosystems.
“Urban footprints” is another issue especially in developed countries.Urbanisation has resulted in an increase in consumption of the higher population,and a rising demand for natural resources which requires land-use change.This change has contributed to the loss of habitat and damage of the ecosystem.
For example,because of the rising demand for meat in city,tropical forests in Tabasco were razed.Also,rising demand for soybeans and meat in urban areas leads to accelerating deforestation in Brazil.
Expansion of the city causes the increase of demand of fresh water resources,which increases the contradiction between the demands on fresh water and agriculture.South-to-North Water Diversion in China is an extreme example of this contradiction.
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