单词:born,famous,sad,because,school,happy,good at,find,black,leave,bur,make
正文:Do you believe that something good comes from something bad?The ---- American poet Langston Hughes,thinks so.
Langston Hughes was ----- in Kansas in 1902.His family was poor.When he became old enough ,his mother took him to a ----- and it was not far from his home.But Langston was often ---- and he had few friends ---- he was black and the other students were white.He loved poetry and he was ---- writing it,so he always wrote about his feelings.And he ---- his university before finishing it.He went to Washington,D.C.and ----- a small job in a hotel .He often felt tired after work he never stopped writing poems.A famous poet found him one day .Then he became famous and lived in New Youk.He was one of the first famous ---- writers.
单词:born,famous,sad,because,school,happy,good at,find,black,leave,bur,make
正文:Do you believe that something good comes from something bad?The ---- American poet Langston Hughes,thinks so.
Langston Hughes was ----- in Kansas in 1902.His family was poor.When he became old enough ,his mother took him to a ----- and it was not far from his home.But Langston was often ---- and he had few friends ---- he was black and the other students were white.He loved poetry and he was ---- writing it,so he always wrote about his feelings.And he ---- his university before finishing it.He went to Washington,D.C.and ----- a small job in a hotel .He often felt tired after work he never stopped writing poems.A famous poet found him one day .Then he became famous and lived in New Youk.He was one of the first famous ---- writers.
born famous school sad because good at left found black
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