Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways.For example,twenty-four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs.Nearly all the singers sang very clearly and looked comfortable on stage.Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers.
The singers really came from all age groups and from all over China.The winner of the men's competition was a 40-year-old man from Xi'an,and the winner of the women's competition was a 19-year-old girl from Dalian.Both winners were very modest and said that they didn't think they were better than the other singers.Jiang Mei,the winner of the women's competition,said studying English helped her win the prize.Six months earlier,she felt her English was not good enough,so she had to study hard.She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English.
This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English.Many people agree that they make progress by singing English songs and that it is a good idea to have fun with English.
Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speaks Englisb program?If not,why don't you find out about it?It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English.Besides singing English songs,there are many other fun ways to learn English.What about watching English movies,or reading English books?Maybe you could even make friends with a native speaker of English.If you look hard enough,you'llfind a good way to learn English better.
Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways.For example,twenty-four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing popular English songs.Nearly all the singers sang very clearly and looked comfortable on stage.Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers.
The singers really came from all age groups and from all over China.The winner of the men's competition was a 40-year-old man from Xi'an,and the winner of the women's competition was a 19-year-old girl from Dalian.Both winners were very modest and said that they didn't think they were better than the other singers.Jiang Mei,the winner of the women's competition,said studying English helped her win the prize.Six months earlier,she felt her English was not good enough,so she had to study hard.She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English.
This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English.Many people agree that they make progress by singing English songs and that it is a good idea to have fun with English.
Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speaks Englisb program?If not,why don't you find out about it?It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English.Besides singing English songs,there are many other fun ways to learn English.What about watching English movies,or reading English books?Maybe you could even make friends with a native speaker of English.If you look hard enough,you'llfind a good way to learn English better.
Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways.
Some people think that sing songs is a good way to practise their english.And they are glad to show themselves in a big Pop music game.Others think that watch movie,read book also can help them.Besides,you can jion some organization ,like Beijing Speaks Englisb program.If you look hard enough,you'llfind a good way to learn English better.
Some people think that sing songs is a good way to practise their english.And they are glad to show themselves in a big Pop music game.Others think that watch movie,read book also can help them.Besides,you can jion some organization ,like Beijing Speaks Englisb program.If you look hard enough,you'llfind a good way to learn English better.
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