·英语翻译(小学七年级级) 全部填单词 能填多少就填多少 好的我会追分哦
1)a litter of ________(推荐)
2)AN _____ meeting.(非正式的)
3)looks very ____ (放松的).
4)She could be _______and using the colour white helps her feel comfortable.
5)Red and white is a good of colour.
6)If you always q____ with others , you will have no friends.
7)How could a parrot do like a r_____?
1)a litter of ________(推荐)
2)AN _____ meeting.(非正式的)
3)looks very ____ (放松的).
4)She could be _______and using the colour white helps her feel comfortable.
5)Red and white is a good of colour.
6)If you always q____ with others , you will have no friends.
7)How could a parrot do like a r_____?
1)a litter of [contribution
2)AN [inform] meeting.(非正式的)
3)looks very [easy elax] (放松的).
4)She could be [nervousuncomfortableunpleasant] and using the colour white helps her feel comfortable.
5)Red and white is a good of colour.这个不知道填在哪里,yes注册成功 麻烦给出空位
6)If you always [quarrel] with others ,you will have no friends.120365739拼写错了,应该是quarrel
7)How could a parrot do like a [rat abbit eader]?
2)AN [inform] meeting.(非正式的)
3)looks very [easy elax] (放松的).
4)She could be [nervousuncomfortableunpleasant] and using the colour white helps her feel comfortable.
5)Red and white is a good of colour.这个不知道填在哪里,yes注册成功 麻烦给出空位
6)If you always [quarrel] with others ,you will have no friends.120365739拼写错了,应该是quarrel
7)How could a parrot do like a [rat abbit eader]?
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- 312vA电流等于多少w
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- 5老照片的故事 作文600字
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- 10一、探究:如图1所示,已知三角形ABC与三角形ABD的面积相等,试判断AB与CD的位置关系,并说明理由.
- 1某加工厂加工一个圆柱形油桶,侧面积是376.8平方分米,2米.做这个油桶至少需要多少平方分米的铁皮?
- 2( 3分之2-16分之3)乘以48
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- 5梯形ABCD中,AD=1,BC=4,AC=4,BD=3,求梯形的面积.
- 6when .While .as 在表示“当……的时候”,有什么区别,
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