关于四合院的英文文献介绍 谁有啊
Si He Yuan is a classical architecture style of residential housing of Beijing citizens dated from the Ming Dynasty.The narrow streets between the Si He Yuan are called "Hutong"s.A single implementation of Si He Yuan comprises of garden surrounded by four houses and protected by high walls.Si He Yuan with Hutong which have been very familiar for people,having a history of more than 700 years now suffer from the urban renovation and economic development of China,and they are slowly disappearing from Beijing.
The word "hutong" (胡同) means "water well"(水井) in Mongolian.The Mongolians keep the nomadic tradition of settling down around springs or wells.A hutong is the passage formed by lines of siheyuan (四合院,four-side enclosed courtyards).Strictly,hutong alleys are less than nine meters wide.Most hutongs in Beijing run in an east-west or north-south direction,with most houses facing south to take in as much sunshine as possible.
A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center.The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings.Usually,a whole family lives in compound.The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end,the younger generations live in the side houses,and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.
Hutong joins hutong,and siheyuan meets siheyuan to form a block.Blocks join with blocks to form the whole residential constructions.
Si He Yuan is a classical architecture style of residential housing of Beijing citizens dated from the Ming Dynasty.The narrow streets between the Si He Yuan are called "Hutong"s.A single implementation of Si He Yuan comprises of garden surrounded by four houses and protected by high walls.Si He Yuan with Hutong which have been very familiar for people,having a history of more than 700 years now suffer from the urban renovation and economic development of China,and they are slowly disappearing from Beijing.
The word "hutong" (胡同) means "water well"(水井) in Mongolian.The Mongolians keep the nomadic tradition of settling down around springs or wells.A hutong is the passage formed by lines of siheyuan (四合院,four-side enclosed courtyards).Strictly,hutong alleys are less than nine meters wide.Most hutongs in Beijing run in an east-west or north-south direction,with most houses facing south to take in as much sunshine as possible.
A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center.The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings.Usually,a whole family lives in compound.The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end,the younger generations live in the side houses,and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.
Hutong joins hutong,and siheyuan meets siheyuan to form a block.Blocks join with blocks to form the whole residential constructions.
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