To:UL Shenzhen IC
Due to the inactivity in the manufacturing of all (Listed)(Classified) products manufactured at
Under the following prodcuct Categories:
Category CCN File/Vol.
We request that this factory be placed “On-call” for inspection.
It is agreed that during this period no (Listed)(Classification) Marks are to procured,or applied to any products manufactured at this factory during the time of inactivity .It is also agreed that on products bearing the UL Mark will be shipped from this factory until an inspection is made .
It is understood that in-plant task fees will apply for each inspection,rendered ,and that at least one visit per year will be made to monitor the inactive plant .The cost of this visit will be billed ,in addition to an Annual Maintenance Fee per plant.
We agree to notify you immediately of any actual changes of status of our inactivity .
Cc Applicant
Very truly yours,
To:UL Shenzhen IC
Due to the inactivity in the manufacturing of all (Listed)(Classified) products manufactured at
Under the following prodcuct Categories:
Category CCN File/Vol.
We request that this factory be placed “On-call” for inspection.
It is agreed that during this period no (Listed)(Classification) Marks are to procured,or applied to any products manufactured at this factory during the time of inactivity .It is also agreed that on products bearing the UL Mark will be shipped from this factory until an inspection is made .
It is understood that in-plant task fees will apply for each inspection,rendered ,and that at least one visit per year will be made to monitor the inactive plant .The cost of this visit will be billed ,in addition to an Annual Maintenance Fee per plant.
We agree to notify you immediately of any actual changes of status of our inactivity .
Cc Applicant
Very truly yours,
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