作文批改,这是我写的作文,题目是how your college years have prepared you for your future life
The most precious treasure the college gives me is that she has made me a more mature and confident person,which I believe will help me a lot in my future.
Refer to the college days,the first scene strikes me is the first day I came to school.As the only child of my parents’,how to get well on with other roommates is the most delicate problem of mine.With the egoism,quarrel never ended among us.So reflection becomes my major project.Through the ‘conflict’ during the first year,I did change a lot.During the year of reflection,I had acquired to respect the difference between others,which make me mature and let I know how to handle this kind of problem in my future life.
Apart from this,the college has given me a class that is about confidence.After the four years ,I wouldn’t feel sad for my height,because I have found that I can be as excellent as others in many aspects,for example ,study.Books represent me a method that can make up any gap in the world,the gap between mountain and hill,the gap between ocean and river and the gap between heaven and earth.Let alone the small gap on height between me and other people.I hold that the confidence which I got during my college years will benefit me in the future.
When recollecting this period,I always couldn’t stop me feeling grateful.The treasure my college give me will be cherished for the whole life.
The most precious treasure the college gives me is that she has made me a more mature and confident person,which I believe will help me a lot in my future.
Refer to the college days,the first scene strikes me is the first day I came to school.As the only child of my parents’,how to get well on with other roommates is the most delicate problem of mine.With the egoism,quarrel never ended among us.So reflection becomes my major project.Through the ‘conflict’ during the first year,I did change a lot.During the year of reflection,I had acquired to respect the difference between others,which make me mature and let I know how to handle this kind of problem in my future life.
Apart from this,the college has given me a class that is about confidence.After the four years ,I wouldn’t feel sad for my height,because I have found that I can be as excellent as others in many aspects,for example ,study.Books represent me a method that can make up any gap in the world,the gap between mountain and hill,the gap between ocean and river and the gap between heaven and earth.Let alone the small gap on height between me and other people.I hold that the confidence which I got during my college years will benefit me in the future.
When recollecting this period,I always couldn’t stop me feeling grateful.The treasure my college give me will be cherished for the whole life.
The most precious treasure college gives me is that she has made me a more mature and confident person,which I believe will help me a lot in my future.
Speaking of the college days,the first scene that strikes me is on the first day I came to school.As an only child,I didn't know how to get well on with other roommates.Because of the egoism inside us,quarrels never ended among us.I reflected a lot on myself throughout the year.Through the ‘conflict’ during the first year,I did change a lot.Thinking more on the reasons of the quarrels,I learned to respect the difference between others,which make me mature and let me know how to handle this kind of problem in my future life.
Apart from this,the college has given me a class on confidence.After four years,I wouldn’t feel sad for my height,because I have found that I can be as excellent as others in many aspects,for example ,study.Books represent me a method that can make up any gap in the world,the gap between mountain and hill,the gap between ocean and river and the gap between heaven and earth.I understand that the small gap on height between me and other people will not affect my life and opportunities if my skills are good enough.I believe that the confidence which I got during my college years will benefit me in the future.
When recollecting this period,I always could feel nothing but grateful.The treasure my college give me will be cherished for the whole life.
The most precious treasure college gives me is that she has made me a more mature and confident person,which I believe will help me a lot in my future.
Speaking of the college days,the first scene that strikes me is on the first day I came to school.As an only child,I didn't know how to get well on with other roommates.Because of the egoism inside us,quarrels never ended among us.I reflected a lot on myself throughout the year.Through the ‘conflict’ during the first year,I did change a lot.Thinking more on the reasons of the quarrels,I learned to respect the difference between others,which make me mature and let me know how to handle this kind of problem in my future life.
Apart from this,the college has given me a class on confidence.After four years,I wouldn’t feel sad for my height,because I have found that I can be as excellent as others in many aspects,for example ,study.Books represent me a method that can make up any gap in the world,the gap between mountain and hill,the gap between ocean and river and the gap between heaven and earth.I understand that the small gap on height between me and other people will not affect my life and opportunities if my skills are good enough.I believe that the confidence which I got during my college years will benefit me in the future.
When recollecting this period,I always could feel nothing but grateful.The treasure my college give me will be cherished for the whole life.
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