Football is a sport in the world,on the origin of football is different.FIFA believes that the sport originated in China."The Water Margin" high ornamental cap,not to mention natural,ancient history in China,there have been Materials "Cuju," the movement records."Cuju" campaign similar to the current Dianqiu,it is not real football,not with football shape.So in the international community agree that "the origin of football in China," said a few persons.There is also a popular saying that football originated in England,is said to England in the 11th century,when Denmark between the outbreak of war,hatred,boredom + England will make a Danish prisoner's head kicked back and forth,they found that playing this kind of thing Very interesting,so start playing ball or other type of spherical objects,from the birth of football.There are,that the Middle Ages ago,the Greeks and the Romans have been engaged in a football game.In a rectangular space,put the ball in the middle of the white line,passed the ball with their feet and rolled the other site,said at the time of this game as "哈巴斯托姆." This legendary "哈巴斯托姆" is not real football,it is more like playing volleyball with their feet,and there is no net.
Football legend on the origin of many,but the legend or no research or through research rather than real football.So what is "true meaning" of football then?FIFA has always been upholding the "fair competition" is the real football,in fact,"fair" but the word is a fashionable jacket that only "competition" is the essence of football.FIFA "Football is originated in China,and then through Persia,Egypt,Italy,after the dissemination of travel to Britain,and then develop." However,"competition" is a product of industrial society,including soccer and other modern sports,is also a product of capitalism and industry.Any ancient times on the football legend and recorded only those who belong to the ancient feudal and agricultural society,that society can only belong to the leisure class have a "game" and can not produce a broad-based mass "movement." Therefore,any football explore ancient words for modern football is meaningless,because modern football is only belong to the modern.Whether it is "Cuju" or "哈巴斯托姆" or other,can develop into a modern football.
Football is a sport in the world,on the origin of football is different.FIFA believes that the sport originated in China."The Water Margin" high ornamental cap,not to mention natural,ancient history in China,there have been Materials "Cuju," the movement records."Cuju" campaign similar to the current Dianqiu,it is not real football,not with football shape.So in the international community agree that "the origin of football in China," said a few persons.There is also a popular saying that football originated in England,is said to England in the 11th century,when Denmark between the outbreak of war,hatred,boredom + England will make a Danish prisoner's head kicked back and forth,they found that playing this kind of thing Very interesting,so start playing ball or other type of spherical objects,from the birth of football.There are,that the Middle Ages ago,the Greeks and the Romans have been engaged in a football game.In a rectangular space,put the ball in the middle of the white line,passed the ball with their feet and rolled the other site,said at the time of this game as "哈巴斯托姆." This legendary "哈巴斯托姆" is not real football,it is more like playing volleyball with their feet,and there is no net.
Football legend on the origin of many,but the legend or no research or through research rather than real football.So what is "true meaning" of football then?FIFA has always been upholding the "fair competition" is the real football,in fact,"fair" but the word is a fashionable jacket that only "competition" is the essence of football.FIFA "Football is originated in China,and then through Persia,Egypt,Italy,after the dissemination of travel to Britain,and then develop." However,"competition" is a product of industrial society,including soccer and other modern sports,is also a product of capitalism and industry.Any ancient times on the football legend and recorded only those who belong to the ancient feudal and agricultural society,that society can only belong to the leisure class have a "game" and can not produce a broad-based mass "movement." Therefore,any football explore ancient words for modern football is meaningless,because modern football is only belong to the modern.Whether it is "Cuju" or "哈巴斯托姆" or other,can develop into a modern football.
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