Our Neighbourhood Stars
Most of the stars that we see in the night sky are billions of kilometers away.But there is one star which is much closer to the Earth.We see it every day as a large,bright ball in the sky .It is called the Sun.It is the only star in our solar system.It fives us heat and light.Without the sun,there would be no life on our planet.
The nearest star outside the solar system is called Alpha Centauri.It is bigger and hotter tham the sun.It looks much smaller because it is very far away.It takes four years for light to reach us from Alpha Centauri.The Earth is only about eight light minutes away from the sun.
The sun is not our nearest neighbour in space.The moon is just 380.000 kilometers away.It is the only part of the solar system that people have visited from Earth.Where will we go next?
(1)What is the only star in our solar system?
(2)What does the sun give us?
Our Neighbourhood Stars
Most of the stars that we see in the night sky are billions of kilometers away.But there is one star which is much closer to the Earth.We see it every day as a large,bright ball in the sky .It is called the Sun.It is the only star in our solar system.It fives us heat and light.Without the sun,there would be no life on our planet.
The nearest star outside the solar system is called Alpha Centauri.It is bigger and hotter tham the sun.It looks much smaller because it is very far away.It takes four years for light to reach us from Alpha Centauri.The Earth is only about eight light minutes away from the sun.
The sun is not our nearest neighbour in space.The moon is just 380.000 kilometers away.It is the only part of the solar system that people have visited from Earth.Where will we go next?
(1)What is the only star in our solar system?
(2)What does the sun give us?
the sun
heat and light
380,000 kilometers away
because it is very far away from us.
it takes four years for the light to reach us.
heat and light
380,000 kilometers away
because it is very far away from us.
it takes four years for the light to reach us.
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- 1对我来说 ,智者都请进.
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- 610.的方差
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