Many years ago,My dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness
Many years ago my dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness . He was unable to work at a steady job . He would be fine for quite a while , but would then fall suddenly ill and have to be admitted to the hospital .
He wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he decided to volunteer at the local children hospital. My dad loved kids . He would talk to them and play with them .Sometimes , he would lose one of his kids . In certain instances , he would give comfort to the sad parents of these children .
One of his kids was a girl who had been admitted with a rare disease that paralyzed her from the neck down . I don’t know the name of the disease , but I do know that it was very sad for a little girl . My dad decided to try to help her . He started visiting her in her room , bringing paints , brushes and paper . He stood the paper up against a backing , put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint . He didn’t use his hands at all . Only his head would move . He would visit her whenever he could and paint for her . All the while he would tell her , “see , you can do anything you set your mind to .”
Eventually , she began to paint using her mouth , and she and my dad became friends . Soon after , the little girl was discharged . My dad also left the children hospital for a little while because he became ill. Sometime later after my dad had recovered and returned to work , he was at the volunteer counter one day and noticed the front door open . In came the little girl who had been paralyzed , but this time she was walking . She ran straight to my dad and hugged him really tight . She gave my dad a picture she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read, “thank you for helping me walk .”
Sometimes love is more powerful than doctors , and my dad-who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture-loved every single child in that hospital .
He wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he decided to volunteer at the local children hospital. My dad loved kids . He would talk to them and play with them .Sometimes , he would lose one of his kids . In certain instances , he would give comfort to the sad parents of these children .
One of his kids was a girl who had been admitted with a rare disease that paralyzed her from the neck down . I don’t know the name of the disease , but I do know that it was very sad for a little girl . My dad decided to try to help her . He started visiting her in her room , bringing paints , brushes and paper . He stood the paper up against a backing , put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint . He didn’t use his hands at all . Only his head would move . He would visit her whenever he could and paint for her . All the while he would tell her , “see , you can do anything you set your mind to .”
Eventually , she began to paint using her mouth , and she and my dad became friends . Soon after , the little girl was discharged . My dad also left the children hospital for a little while because he became ill. Sometime later after my dad had recovered and returned to work , he was at the volunteer counter one day and noticed the front door open . In came the little girl who had been paralyzed , but this time she was walking . She ran straight to my dad and hugged him really tight . She gave my dad a picture she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read, “thank you for helping me walk .”
Sometimes love is more powerful than doctors , and my dad-who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture-loved every single child in that hospital .
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