Outdoor Activities(这篇是关于户外野餐)
A:What a lovely day for picnic!
B:Yes,the weather is perfect today.It's not too hot,and there isn't cloud in the sky.
C:I can not agree more.So we should catch the chance to have a good time!
A:Don't drive too fast.Let's stop and have lunch by the river.There's no no one here.Park the car under the trees.
B:Peter,will you bring the lunch basket?Mary,please put out the plates,(After a while)
A:Now,who would like some sandwiches?
C:I would.What's there to drink?
A:I brought some tea and orange juice.
C:I'll have some orange juice,thanks.
B:Don't leave anything on the ground.We must keep the place tidy.
A:Have you had enough to eat?There're still some sandwiches left.
B:Could I have anther glass of juice?
C:I've had plenty,thanks.
A:What a lovely day for picnic!
B:Yes,the weather is perfect today.It's not too hot,and there isn't cloud in the sky.
C:I can not agree more.So we should catch the chance to have a good time!
A:Don't drive too fast.Let's stop and have lunch by the river.There's no no one here.Park the car under the trees.
B:Peter,will you bring the lunch basket?Mary,please put out the plates,(After a while)
A:Now,who would like some sandwiches?
C:I would.What's there to drink?
A:I brought some tea and orange juice.
C:I'll have some orange juice,thanks.
B:Don't leave anything on the ground.We must keep the place tidy.
A:Have you had enough to eat?There're still some sandwiches left.
B:Could I have anther glass of juice?
C:I've had plenty,thanks.
- 1(1/3)已知半径为5的圆C的圆心在X轴上,圆心的横坐标是整数,且与直线4x+3y-29=0相切.(1)求圆C的方程 ...
- 2they want me back 语法有错么 讲解一下 谢谢!
- 3朝花夕拾的读书笔记
- 4李老师要买45支钢笔和15本笔记本,钢笔每支12元,笔记本每本8元,李老师带了780元,(用除法计算)
- 5(-a3次方b2次方)5次方乘(a2次方b2次方)6次方
- 6长为1米,外径为10厘米,壁厚为2厘米的钢管表面积是( )平方厘米(圆周率等
- 7在一次足球比赛中,采用淘汰制,某球队共打了11场球,最后决出冠亚军,你知道有多少球队参加了这场比赛吗?
- 8一帆一浆一渔舟,一位渔翁一钓钩.一俯一仰一场笑,一江明月一江秋.这个意思是什么
- 9设函数f (x)=1(x>0)、0(x=0)、-1(x
- 10眼见为实.英文
- 1已知关于X的方程4x+2m=3x+1和方程3x+2m=4x+1的解相同,求m的值
- 2在一个可逆过程中 工作物质净吸热等于对外做的功 这句话错了
- 3英语单词的正确形式:
- 4空气现在污染了吗?在哪里?(中国哪里污染了)
- 5I ▁▁that Beijing is a good place to go sightseeing .填什么啊
- 6苏轼的生平经历,
- 7为什么沉淀硫酸钡时要在热溶液中进行,而在自然冷却后进行过滤?趁热过滤或强冷却好不好
- 8不做除法计算,如何判断一个多位数能被8整出?
- 9要使(x的平方+ax+1)(-6x的立方-x的平方)的展开式中不含x的四次方项,则a应等于
- 10已知二次函数的图象过坐标原点,它的顶点坐标是(1,-2),求这个二次函数的关系式.