翻译 A young man was interested in jade(玉) stones...短文
A young man was interested in jade(玉) stones.So he went to Mr Smith,a gemologist(玉石家),to learn from his.Mr Smith refused because he feared that the young man would not have the patience to learn.The young man asked for a chance again and again.finally Mr Smith agreed and told him,“Be here tomorrow.”
The next morning the young man came.Mr Smith put a jade stone in the young man’s hand and told him to hold it.He then went about his work.The young man sat quietly and waited.The following morning,Mr Smith again placed a jade stone in the young man’s hand and told him to hold it.On the third,fourth,and fifth day,Mr Smith did the same thing and repeated his instructions.On the sixth day,the young man held the jade stone,but he could no longer stand the silence.“When am I going to learn something?” asked the young man.
“You will learn,” said Mr Smith and went about his work.
Several more days went by and the young man felt very unhappy.One morning he was asked to do it once more.As soon as he held it,the young man shouted without looking at his hand,“This is not the same jade stone!”
“You have begun to learn.” Said Mr Smith
The next morning the young man came.Mr Smith put a jade stone in the young man’s hand and told him to hold it.He then went about his work.The young man sat quietly and waited.The following morning,Mr Smith again placed a jade stone in the young man’s hand and told him to hold it.On the third,fourth,and fifth day,Mr Smith did the same thing and repeated his instructions.On the sixth day,the young man held the jade stone,but he could no longer stand the silence.“When am I going to learn something?” asked the young man.
“You will learn,” said Mr Smith and went about his work.
Several more days went by and the young man felt very unhappy.One morning he was asked to do it once more.As soon as he held it,the young man shouted without looking at his hand,“This is not the same jade stone!”
“You have begun to learn.” Said Mr Smith
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