I stood there listening to my father shout at top of his voice.The look on his face said that one of us had done something wrong .“Which one of you did this?”We all stared down at the step.There was child’s handwriting in chalk there.I was very frightened .I hope no one could see it.Would he guess it was me?I was so scared.When he asked me,I lied ,“ Not me,Dad.”The other denied it as well.Of course,we all knew that one of us must have done it.But as the youngest and smallest of the three,I just couldn’t find the courage to tell the truth.To find out who had written on the step,father gave us each a piece of paper and a pencil.“ I want each of you to write exactly what you see on the step.”I tried my best to write the words differently.I didn’t want dad to be able totell it was me.He gathered up our pieces of paper and looked at them.“ Since none of you will admit to have done it,then I will punish you all.” I stood there and said nothing.The last thing I wanted was for Dad to punish me
- 1关于逻辑主语~
- 2甲 乙两种液体的密度比为2:3,现将相同质量的两种液体装在相同的杯子里,其体积比是多少?杯子的高度比又是多少?
- 3图书馆有文艺书600本,故事书500本,科技书占总数的百分之四十五,图书馆共有多少本书?
- 4甲火车速度为36米/秒,乙火车速度为24米/秒,现在两列火车在平行轨道上相对而行,相遇后经过10秒钟才相互过完,甲车是乙车长的1.5倍,问:甲、乙两列车各多长?
- 5根号下3-π的绝对值-π-根号下2的绝对值
- 62000年,世界上有几个国家人口超过一亿,其中六个国家位于亚洲,他们分别是什么?
- 7用以下英语短语造作文 70字即可 as well
- 8为什么早晨有露水而中午没有呢?
- 9已知x^2+x-1=0,则x^3-2x+2006的值是( )
- 10经过点(1,-7)与圆x2+y2=25 相切的切线方程_.
- 1有一个瓶子,里面有根筷子,怎样把筷子拿出来,不可以碰到瓶子,也不能倒出来.
- 2那只猫喵喵叫时,发出一种,发出一种想窃窃私语的声音,求英语翻译
- 3甲乙两地相距280千米,一艘轮船顺流航行全程共需14小时,逆流航行共需20小时,求这艘船在静水中的速度和水
- 4(补充句子)—--简单英语题
- 5My mother wanted me to peel three apples .对划线部分提问
- 6do your homework first and ( )(然后)watch TV
- 7有向线段一定是向量吗?
- 8已知ab方=-6,求-ab(a方b的5次方-ab的3次方-b)
- 9In a minute,the rabbit runs to a small tree.he looks at the siow tortoise and laughs at him.翻译
- 10带“三”字成语,其意义是表示多数或少数的