how to keep away from germs七年级英语作文
How to keep away from germs
As we know,germs exist anywhere ,but how can we keep away from them Here I will give you some suggestions.First,you should wash you hands frequently ,because when you go out you would touch so many germs.So washing hands is a important way to prevent us from germs.Second,you should avoid eating dirty food ,some foods may bring many unkown germs into your body .besides ,before you eat fruits ,remember wash them first,no matter how clean they looks.The most importan thing is that avoid getting to those places like bars and other crowed places .Try to do like that can work,let germs away from you .
How to keep away from germs
As we know,germs exist anywhere ,but how can we keep away from them Here I will give you some suggestions.First,you should wash you hands frequently ,because when you go out you would touch so many germs.So washing hands is a important way to prevent us from germs.Second,you should avoid eating dirty food ,some foods may bring many unkown germs into your body .besides ,before you eat fruits ,remember wash them first,no matter how clean they looks.The most importan thing is that avoid getting to those places like bars and other crowed places .Try to do like that can work,let germs away from you .
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