Before the goodbye come here
come closer and hug me
stay in my arms for a while and try to remember
for how many years you and me
have been together and you loved me?
Stay with me in my arms and try to remember
who told you that I no longer want you?
And why did you believe him,why?
I swear,your love is all my life,what do you think?
Wait,don't leave me like that
why are you rushing the time?
You might remember any memory from our love
how would you forget this hug?
when you've longed for it a lot before
come closer,your life and dreams are here (with me)
Before the goodbye come here
come closer and hug me
stay in my arms for a while and try to remember
for how many years you and me
have been together and you loved me?
Stay with me in my arms and try to remember
who told you that I no longer want you?
And why did you believe him,why?
I swear,your love is all my life,what do you think?
Wait,don't leave me like that
why are you rushing the time?
You might remember any memory from our love
how would you forget this hug?
when you've longed for it a lot before
come closer,your life and dreams are here (with me)
可翻译为:Before the goodbye come here 离别前
come closer and hug me 盼你可靠近点抱抱我
stay in my arms for a while and try to remember 静静靠于我怀中,是否忆起多年你同我
for how many years you and me
have been together and you loved me?相爱到相识
Stay with me in my arms and try to remember 静静于我怀中,是否谁诉你不再爱你
who told you that I no longer want you?
And why did you believe him,why?疑惑为何信他
I swear,your love is all my life,what do you think?发誓此生之中你为我最爱,又何想?
Wait,don't leave me like that 漫漫等待,请别离我而去
why are you rushing the time?疑惑为何时光匆匆
You might remember any memory from our love 或许记得我们记忆中之爱/记忆中那份情
how would you forget this hug?疑惑是否你会忘却此拥抱
when you've longed for it a lot before 漫漫时光漫漫相望之一抱
come closer,your life and dreams are here (with me)靠近点,同我共相守.
come closer and hug me 盼你可靠近点抱抱我
stay in my arms for a while and try to remember 静静靠于我怀中,是否忆起多年你同我
for how many years you and me
have been together and you loved me?相爱到相识
Stay with me in my arms and try to remember 静静于我怀中,是否谁诉你不再爱你
who told you that I no longer want you?
And why did you believe him,why?疑惑为何信他
I swear,your love is all my life,what do you think?发誓此生之中你为我最爱,又何想?
Wait,don't leave me like that 漫漫等待,请别离我而去
why are you rushing the time?疑惑为何时光匆匆
You might remember any memory from our love 或许记得我们记忆中之爱/记忆中那份情
how would you forget this hug?疑惑是否你会忘却此拥抱
when you've longed for it a lot before 漫漫时光漫漫相望之一抱
come closer,your life and dreams are here (with me)靠近点,同我共相守.
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