Sails sails sails, sails going home.
Eyes eyes eyes, eyes being away from home (exiled).
No one does know who, who are going home.
Who is going to be happy, & who is going to pass-the-nightsleep sad.
& who is going to pass-the night sad!
Encounter, parting, fate & who could choose his destiny!
A lover like the moon estranged in the night of his lover!
Passing seas of tears, I encounter seas of regret.
Have gone the friends that were surrounding me, & who I had expected better from!
Humans planting a moon in the darkness of tears!
And hearts like rain, & hearts without hearts!
O my soul being thirsty, O my self being tired!
Sails, to where taking us in the journey of nostalgia.
In the journey of nostalgia!
Sails sails sails, sails going home.
Eyes eyes eyes, eyes being away from home (exiled).
No one does know who, who are going home.
Who is going to be happy, & who is going to pass-the-nightsleep sad.
& who is going to pass-the night sad!
Encounter, parting, fate & who could choose his destiny!
A lover like the moon estranged in the night of his lover!
Passing seas of tears, I encounter seas of regret.
Have gone the friends that were surrounding me, & who I had expected better from!
Humans planting a moon in the darkness of tears!
And hearts like rain, & hearts without hearts!
O my soul being thirsty, O my self being tired!
Sails, to where taking us in the journey of nostalgia.
In the journey of nostalgia!
翻译如下:Sails sails sails,sails going home.海上之船速归家Eyes eyes eyes,eyes being away from home (exiled).一丝急切于眼眸No one does know who,who are going home.却皆不明了谁欲归家Who is going to be ...
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- 2已知AB两地相距S千米甲己两车同时从AB两地出发相向而行如果甲乙两主的行驶速度分别为每小时a千米和每小时b千米那么多少小时后甲乙两车在途中相遇?
- 31.my mother is going to cook meals in the kitchen
- 4请问西语中él el的发音是相同的嘛?
- 59x+5(50-x)≤360 3x+10(50-x)≤290 是一元一次不等式组 请求出它的解集
- 6用静涵二字作两句诗,并有两字的含义
- 7“老有所养,幼有所依” 用英语怎么翻译?
- 8形容让人后悔的的词
- 9义务劳动心得200左右
- 10=3.14*(7.8+2*1.1)(7.8-2*1.1) =3.14*10*5.6 =175.84 *撒意思
- 1一千克小麦可以磨出面粉0.78千克,100千克、1000千克小麦可以磨出多少千克面粉?【要求列算式】
- 2写出两句采用谐音字的歇后语
- 3《乞丐》 屠格涅夫 “我明白了,我也得到了老哥的施舍.
- 4体谅是友情中的清风一缕,微笑是交往中的礼物一份.(仿写两句~字数相同,结构一致)
- 5有两箱苹果的数量相同.甲箱被卖出150个,乙箱被卖出194个后,甲箱剩下的苹果数正好是乙箱剩下的3倍.方程.
- 6中国地形种类很多,但各种地形面积差异很大,其中 所占面积最大.
- 7如果x1、x2是两个不相等的实数且满足 x1x1-2009x1=1 x2x2-2009x2=1 则x1x2=?
- 8如图所示,一金属小球,原来不带电,现沿球的直径的延长线放置一均匀带电的细杆MN,金属球上感应电荷产生的电场在球内直径上a、b、c三点的场强大小分别为Ea、Eb、Ec,三者相比,则(
- 9已知实数a,b满足a2+ab+b2=1,则t=a2-ab+b2的取值范围为_.
- 10找出与所给例词表示的关系最相似的一项,画上“√” 售货员:顾客