Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!
As we all know,in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held,every person are eagerly looking forward to its arrival,carefully exploring the life of the details,we can easily see that the Olympic spirit is everywhere.
Between neighbors,we help each other; colleagues,in addition to competition,everyone has even more made on the friendship of the first.Everyone has to start with oneself,the protection of the surrounding environment.Olympic atmosphere is diffuse in my home,parents have taken attention from the message of the Olympic Games,all brothers and sisters from time to time to talk about the various stories related to the Olympic Games.
Everyone is on the Olympic Games has its own expectations,and I also believe that China will certainly be able to better organize the Olympic Games and win honor for our country
I am proud of being a Chinese.I hope my country to be much stronger.I look forward to 2008,I will say to the world aloud:Welcome to Beijing.
Let’s bless for the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing
That's all.Thanks for your listening.
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!
As we all know,in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held,every person are eagerly looking forward to its arrival,carefully exploring the life of the details,we can easily see that the Olympic spirit is everywhere.
Between neighbors,we help each other; colleagues,in addition to competition,everyone has even more made on the friendship of the first.Everyone has to start with oneself,the protection of the surrounding environment.Olympic atmosphere is diffuse in my home,parents have taken attention from the message of the Olympic Games,all brothers and sisters from time to time to talk about the various stories related to the Olympic Games.
Everyone is on the Olympic Games has its own expectations,and I also believe that China will certainly be able to better organize the Olympic Games and win honor for our country
I am proud of being a Chinese.I hope my country to be much stronger.I look forward to 2008,I will say to the world aloud:Welcome to Beijing.
Let’s bless for the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing
That's all.Thanks for your listening.
2.用代词指代everyone, every body的所属格时,用 his or her 或者 his/her ,不能用its
3.先问好,再说ladies and gengtle,习惯问题
5.Olympic Games 不加冠词 the
Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen!
As we all know, Beijing will hold Olympic Games in 2008, and everybody is eager to look forward to it. Carefully observing the life in detail, we can easily see that the Olympic spirit is pervasive.
Neighbors help each other; colleagues, in spite of competition, are aware that the friendship comes first. Everyone has started to protect his or her surrounding environment. Olympic atmosphere is diffused to my home as well----parents pay great attention to the information of the Olympic Games, and all brothers and sisters take turns to talk about the various stories related to Olympic Games.
Everyone has his or her own expectation about Olympic Games, and I also believe that China will certainly be able to better organize Olympic Games and win honor for our country !
I am proud of being a Chinese. I hope my country to be much stronger. I look forward to 2008, and I will say to the world aloud: Welcome to Beijing.
Good Luck to 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
That's all. Thanks for your listening.
2.用代词指代everyone, every body的所属格时,用 his or her 或者 his/her ,不能用its
3.先问好,再说ladies and gengtle,习惯问题
5.Olympic Games 不加冠词 the
Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen!
As we all know, Beijing will hold Olympic Games in 2008, and everybody is eager to look forward to it. Carefully observing the life in detail, we can easily see that the Olympic spirit is pervasive.
Neighbors help each other; colleagues, in spite of competition, are aware that the friendship comes first. Everyone has started to protect his or her surrounding environment. Olympic atmosphere is diffused to my home as well----parents pay great attention to the information of the Olympic Games, and all brothers and sisters take turns to talk about the various stories related to Olympic Games.
Everyone has his or her own expectation about Olympic Games, and I also believe that China will certainly be able to better organize Olympic Games and win honor for our country !
I am proud of being a Chinese. I hope my country to be much stronger. I look forward to 2008, and I will say to the world aloud: Welcome to Beijing.
Good Luck to 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
That's all. Thanks for your listening.
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- 2求定积分∫上限e+1,下限2.1╱(x-1)dx ∫上限π/2下限0.cos2x/(c谢谢了,
- 3mother ,usually ,my ,a ,takes,morning,the,shower,in
- 4已知集合A={x丨6+x-x2>0},B={x丨x2=ax+b≤0}
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- 9请问现在的“您好!您所拨打的电话已关机.”和“对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨 ”英语
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