wash the dishes put on turn down the TV make some posters make dinners clean my room get out of the bathroom babysit his little cousin ring away lend your car
1Sorry,i'll do it
2I have to every day
3OK.I'll another pair of jeans
4I'll in a minute
5Could you for our company
6My mother told me to after dinner
7His aunt asked him to last sunday morning
8Would you mind to me /I want to go to my friend's party
9Would you please / Linda is answering the telephone
10Ioften for my parents because I'm good at cooking
wash the dishes put on turn down the TV make some posters make dinners clean my room get out of the bathroom babysit his little cousin ring away lend your car
1Sorry,i'll do it
2I have to every day
3OK.I'll another pair of jeans
4I'll in a minute
5Could you for our company
6My mother told me to after dinner
7His aunt asked him to last sunday morning
8Would you mind to me /I want to go to my friend's party
9Would you please / Linda is answering the telephone
10Ioften for my parents because I'm good at cooking
1Sorry,i'll do it right away .
2I have to wash the dishes every day
3OK.I'll put on another pair of jeans
4I'll get out of the bathroom in a minute
2I have to wash the dishes every day
3OK.I'll put on another pair of jeans
4I'll get out of the bathroom in a minute
- 1分数乘除法 1.7/10-2/7÷5/7 2.5/8*1/4+1/4*3/8 3.(1/2-1/3)÷5/6+1/3 4.4/5*(5/6-3/4)-1/15
- 2以m开头的三个字母,四个字母,五个字母,六个字母的单词都有哪些?每个找两个!
- 3赏析:然而,我快乐得太早了,人生毕竟还是一个荆棘丛,决不是到处都盛开着玫瑰花
- 4一个星期有7天,5月份有31天,如果5月1日是星期四,那么这个月最后一天是星期几?如何列算式?
- 52012年5月25日在古代用天干地支怎么说
- 6孩子一年级上学期写生字总是写了就忘记怎么样才能让她记呢
- 7我国已知的火山主要分布在哪些地区!
- 8已知正六边形的边心距r6为1厘米,求它的半径长,边长,周长和面积
- 9求一句英语翻译 “提高XXX在客户心中的认知度”
- 10Lucy could look after _(self) when she was six.
- 1你知道我国目前濒临灭绝的野生动物有哪些?野生动物濒临灭绝的原因有哪些?
- 2王叔叔想用一笔钱年利率为2.8%的3年期的国库券,如果他想3年后本息和为21680元,现在应买这种国库券多少元
- 3Washington怎么读
- 4一根铁丝,截去四分之三,剩下部分正好做一个边长为5cm的正方形的框架,这根铁丝原长多少?
- 5解方程中11.34除以x等于81怎么解
- 6根据题意设未知数并列出方程,
- 7求证:81²-27的九次方-9的13次方能被45整除.
- 8以《蒹葭》为例分析《诗经》在写作手法及结构上的特点
- 9请问果蝇的眼色形状所决定的基因是位于性染色体的同源区段还是非同源,为什么写基因型的时候Y上的基因没有写出来,
- 10This kind of watches is made_______plastic.And they are made in Guanggzhou.