英语解释句子深圳题目、 用英语解释英语1.It takes him about 20 minutes to get to school 2.Subtract 2 from 10,you can get B3.I lke Chinese New Year better than any other festival4.How much did you wigh six months ago?5.His parants own a Chinese restaurant in Neacastle6.How do you like the city7.It took me fifteen minutes to send an e-mail8.It is five years since peter lought the car9.The question is so difficalt that I can't answerit10.He as well as your.knows the news
英语解释句子深圳题目、 用英语解释英语1.It takes him about 20 minutes to get to school 2.Subtract 2 from 10,you can get B3.I lke Chinese New Year better than any other festival4.How much did you wigh six months ago?5.His parants own a Chinese restaurant in Neacastle6.How do you like the city7.It took me fifteen minutes to send an e-mail8.It is five years since peter lought the car9.The question is so difficalt that I can't answerit10.He as well as your.knows the news
翻译:1,他花了20分钟到学校.He spends 20 minutes to get to school.
2,10减2等于8.10 minus 2 is8.
3,我喜欢中国的新年胜过其它节日.I prefer Chinese New Year than any other festival.
4,你六个月前多少斤?What was your weight a half year ago?
5,他的父母在纽卡斯尔开了一家中国餐馆.His parents have a Chinese restaurant in Neacastle.
6,你喜欢这个城市吗?What do you think of this city?
7,我花了15分钟发了一封邮件.I spend 15minutes in sending an e-mail.
8,peter的车买了5年了.Peter has bought the car for 5 years.
9,这问题太难了,我解决不了.The question is too difficult to answer.
10,他和你一样知道了这条新闻.He knows the news like you.
2,10减2等于8.10 minus 2 is8.
3,我喜欢中国的新年胜过其它节日.I prefer Chinese New Year than any other festival.
4,你六个月前多少斤?What was your weight a half year ago?
5,他的父母在纽卡斯尔开了一家中国餐馆.His parents have a Chinese restaurant in Neacastle.
6,你喜欢这个城市吗?What do you think of this city?
7,我花了15分钟发了一封邮件.I spend 15minutes in sending an e-mail.
8,peter的车买了5年了.Peter has bought the car for 5 years.
9,这问题太难了,我解决不了.The question is too difficult to answer.
10,他和你一样知道了这条新闻.He knows the news like you.
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