请以我‘how I have changed’为题写一篇80字的英语作文
How I have changed
I used to be a boy who liked playing computer games a lot.My parents,my teachers and my classmates were very disappointed with me,saying if I went on playing computers,nothing could change me.
I hated myself because I was so addicted to computer games.But one day,I read a piece of news on the Tv which touched me greatly.The news was about a boy stole money in order to play computer games.
I realized if I refused to change,I would become someone like the boy.So I made up my mind to start again and devote all my energy to study.By and by,I have changed so much and become what I am today.
I used to be a boy who liked playing computer games a lot.My parents,my teachers and my classmates were very disappointed with me,saying if I went on playing computers,nothing could change me.
I hated myself because I was so addicted to computer games.But one day,I read a piece of news on the Tv which touched me greatly.The news was about a boy stole money in order to play computer games.
I realized if I refused to change,I would become someone like the boy.So I made up my mind to start again and devote all my energy to study.By and by,I have changed so much and become what I am today.
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