How robors will change our life 英语作文 不少于80词的短文
Robots will change our life in the future.I think.They will help us a lot.If we don't like going to school,we can stay at home and put the teaching information into the computers,and then robots can work as teachers.If we have our own robots,we will havr changes.We won't need to care about the homework at all.We won't need to worry about whether we'll have friends or not,either,because robots can play with us.If we are not happy,they will dance and make us happy.How greatly robots will change our life!
With the development of science and techology, robot promises to enhance and simplify our life in the future.
At home or office, routine chores will be handaled with astonishing efficiency and speed, paper clutter will dipsappear as robot's management system take over all the information from memos, notebooks,files and so on.
It can also program all the electric machines as TV set and washing machine,to make them work automatically and when something goes wrong with an appliance, the central computer in the robot's head will elicit repair instructions, so with the assistance of robot people's leisure time will greatly increased.
Robots will change our life in the future.I think.They will help us a lot.If we don't like going to school,we can stay at home and put the teaching information into the computers,and then robots can work as teachers.If we have our own robots,we will havr changes.We won't need to care about the homework at all.We won't need to worry about whether we'll have friends or not,either,because robots can play with us.If we are not happy,they will dance and make us happy.How greatly robots will change our life!
With the development of science and techology, robot promises to enhance and simplify our life in the future.
At home or office, routine chores will be handaled with astonishing efficiency and speed, paper clutter will dipsappear as robot's management system take over all the information from memos, notebooks,files and so on.
It can also program all the electric machines as TV set and washing machine,to make them work automatically and when something goes wrong with an appliance, the central computer in the robot's head will elicit repair instructions, so with the assistance of robot people's leisure time will greatly increased.
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