Since we enter the 21st century,the spirit of cooperation has becoming more and more important.Win-win is a popular word.In this way,add one big to two,and not only equal two.
In this highly developed society,the progress of every science and technology is the result of cooperation.The Human Genome Project is a good example.More than 1000 top scientist from different countries participated in the great project.Every scientist may be a 'one',but one plus one,the final result is much greater than 'two'.
The theme of our society is not competition,but cooperation.Every stage of practice show that people at any time with peer cooperation,not mutual struggle,or to cooperate with the outside world rather than self-enclosed,often when the history of the development of faster,better,but on the contrary.We can benefit from each oher if we creat value together.We must correctly handle the relationship between cooperation and competition,and learn to cooperate with other.We need to make one and one is bigger than two.
In this highly developed society,the progress of every science and technology is the result of cooperation.The Human Genome Project is a good example.More than 1000 top scientist from different countries participated in the great project.Every scientist may be a 'one',but one plus one,the final result is much greater than 'two'.
The theme of our society is not competition,but cooperation.Every stage of practice show that people at any time with peer cooperation,not mutual struggle,or to cooperate with the outside world rather than self-enclosed,often when the history of the development of faster,better,but on the contrary.We can benefit from each oher if we creat value together.We must correctly handle the relationship between cooperation and competition,and learn to cooperate with other.We need to make one and one is bigger than two.
第一行里,有has becoming这个语法吗? 当然是has become啊. add one big to two, and not only equal two. 语法有问题.I guess what you mean is: one plus one is often bigger than two, rather than equal to two....
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