There are many items that you can bring across the border without paying ANY duties.With the North American Free Trade Agreement,anything made in Canada,USA or Mexico can be brought across the border duty free.In addition,you may be charged GST on purchases that are not GST exempt,but as stated,if the amounts are small,the staff at the border may use their discretion to allow you to bring goods into Canada without paying GST.It always seems to help if you appear to be open about your purchases,and are prepared to address the questions asked in a honest manner,and be prepared to provide receipts for all goods purchased.
The modern shopping centre developed in the suburbs of the United States following the Second World War as returning veterans sought homes for themselves and their families.These suburban shopping centres were the product of two demographic events – the move to suburbia and the impact of the baby boom.Retailers of all types found the suburban shopping centre an ideal place for their goods and developers built centres of all types and sizes throughout the US in response to the need and demand during the 1970s.Today,there are over 37,000 shopping centres accounting for over 56 per cent of total retail sales excluding automotive and petrol service stations.The current overabundance of retail space coupled with a recession has created special problems for this industry.
The modern shopping centre developed in the suburbs of the United States following the Second World War as returning veterans sought homes for themselves and their families.These suburban shopping centres were the product of two demographic events – the move to suburbia and the impact of the baby boom.Retailers of all types found the suburban shopping centre an ideal place for their goods and developers built centres of all types and sizes throughout the US in response to the need and demand during the 1970s.Today,there are over 37,000 shopping centres accounting for over 56 per cent of total retail sales excluding automotive and petrol service stations.The current overabundance of retail space coupled with a recession has created special problems for this industry.
- 132除以9的商是( ),它是一个( )小数,保留整数约是( ),精确到百分位约是( ).
- 21+2+3-4-5+6+7-8-9+10.+98
- 3a+b+5=ab 求3a+2b最小值
- 4someone who knows a lot of about a particular subject is called s.
- 5如图是一个几何体的三视图,已知主视图和左视图都是边长为2的等边三角形俯视图为圆形,全面积为多少
- 6of the earliest times of life or of man
- 7A new beginning,I treat it as my new life
- 8进行物体受力分析时怎么判断力的大小,方向``````
- 91234这几个数字组成一个两位数乘两位数,其中积最大的是哪个算式
- 10辨别字词如 象形 会意 形声
- 1句型转换
- 2一外力对物体做功使其做加速运动,如果物体的动能增加了8倍,则其动量增加的倍数是?
- 3英语高手来翻译! 1.前天我去过宜昌 .
- 456/40和27/15的约分
- 5解方程组 3x+√12 y = 10-4√2 ,√2 x+2y=6√2 -4
- 6成语对对子 胆小如鼠()意思要相反
- 7曲线y=2x的二次方,在点(1,2)处的切线方程为y=?
- 8如图,等腰三角形ABC中,AC=BC=5,AB=6.以BC为直径作圆O交AB于点D,交AC于点G,DF垂直于AC ,垂直为F,交
- 92m²+3m与什么的和是4m²+5m-2?
- 10在平面直角坐标系中XOY中,已知三角形A(—4.0)B(4.0),顶点B在椭圆X2/25+Y2/9=1上.