should a university student take a part-time job?
In my opinion,part-time job has many advantages ,and a few of disadvantages too .
As normal students in school,the traditional education emphraises the study is the first work to us,but when we have enough time to do other things,the part-time job becomes a fashional choice.
Part-time job,if we arrange it well ,it will not make any funtion to our study.Then it makes we know how to work in sociaty,how to make money,how to live in sociaty by oneself.With the part-time job,we will abudant our social knowledge and other things.
In the oppsite side,if we can't anrrange the time beteween job and study.part-time job will inteact our study.As a student,you willbe said you're not a good student in school.
So when saying the disadvantage and advantage of part-time job,i think how to arrange is the most important key.
As normal students in school,the traditional education emphraises the study is the first work to us,but when we have enough time to do other things,the part-time job becomes a fashional choice.
Part-time job,if we arrange it well ,it will not make any funtion to our study.Then it makes we know how to work in sociaty,how to make money,how to live in sociaty by oneself.With the part-time job,we will abudant our social knowledge and other things.
In the oppsite side,if we can't anrrange the time beteween job and study.part-time job will inteact our study.As a student,you willbe said you're not a good student in school.
So when saying the disadvantage and advantage of part-time job,i think how to arrange is the most important key.
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