1.Introduce water
2.importance of water
3.How to save water
1.Introduce water
2.importance of water
3.How to save water
Water is essential to living things. For instance, if there is no enough water in a human body, a person may feel uncomfortable or get sick easily. To make matters worse, one may die of thirst. Similarly, plants may wither or die for lack of water. It is apparent that all living things need water to keep alive.
Judging from the importance of water, we should know how to conserve water. The first thing is to stop polluting water because what we really need is clean water. At the same time, be sure to turn off the faucet immediately after using water. And we should make efficient use of water to avoid wasting it. One way is to recycle as much water as possible. To sum up, we should economize on water so as to maintain the abundance of water, which is an indispensable element of life.
Judging from the importance of water, we should know how to conserve water. The first thing is to stop polluting water because what we really need is clean water. At the same time, be sure to turn off the faucet immediately after using water. And we should make efficient use of water to avoid wasting it. One way is to recycle as much water as possible. To sum up, we should economize on water so as to maintain the abundance of water, which is an indispensable element of life.
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- 9设a,b是两个非零向量.A 若/a+b/=/a/-/b/,则a垂直于b B 若a垂直于b,则/a+b/=/a/-/b/
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