【Starship Troopers 】
While some of the characters and lines in the movie were a little underdeveloped,the overriding story of the evolution of our society into an aggressive,militarist regime cannot be ignored.The action scenes were great,with flawless computer animation (how Titanic beat it for SFX I will never know) and enhancement supported by what can only be described as gore-laden prosthetics.I thought they could have left the love story out,but that's Hollywood.
Very watchable,and a nice change from the Alien movies - this is WAR,not some isolated pit-fight!I love the Alien movies,but Startship troopers just has a lot o' lead,heads,and bodies flying left,right and centre!I thought the Mobile Infantry could have used better weaponry (apparently in the novel that it's based on,the MI has powered armour with assault cannon and missile launchers etc.) to battle such a foe,but I'm just being technical.
If you want a nice beer & pretzels movie to yell and scream at,then this is it.
While some of the characters and lines in the movie were a little underdeveloped,the overriding story of the evolution of our society into an aggressive,militarist regime cannot be ignored.The action scenes were great,with flawless computer animation (how Titanic beat it for SFX I will never know) and enhancement supported by what can only be described as gore-laden prosthetics.I thought they could have left the love story out,but that's Hollywood.
Very watchable,and a nice change from the Alien movies - this is WAR,not some isolated pit-fight!I love the Alien movies,but Startship troopers just has a lot o' lead,heads,and bodies flying left,right and centre!I thought the Mobile Infantry could have used better weaponry (apparently in the novel that it's based on,the MI has powered armour with assault cannon and missile launchers etc.) to battle such a foe,but I'm just being technical.
If you want a nice beer & pretzels movie to yell and scream at,then this is it.
- 1by the way on the way in the way怎么区别?
- 2将两只“220V 100W”的灯泡串联后接在200V的电路中使用,消耗的总功率是多少拜托各位了 3Q
- 3用自己的话说邹忌是怎样成功的说服齐王的?他的劝说方式对我们今天的人际交往有什么启示?
- 4离散数学:符号化命题,构造推理
- 5英语翻译
- 6故乡 鲁迅 求阅读答案→_→ 1.现实生活中和我记忆中的自然环境有什么不同?2.现实生活中的闰土,杨二嫂和我有什么不同?为什么?
- 7高一分式不等式的题!
- 8在△ABC中,已知a=20,b=29,c=21,解三角形
- 9世界的本原是?
- 10若方程ax的平方+3x=4x的平方-bx+1是二元一次方程,则a ,b
- 1O为△ABC内一点,BO,CO分别交AC,BC于D,E;若BE*BA+CD*CA=BC*BC.求证:A,D,O,E四点共圆
- 2将一个棱长为5厘米的正方体的6个面都图上红色,再切成棱长为1厘米的小正方形,仅有一面是红色的有?块
- 3用变成了造句
- 4函数y=lx-3l递减的区间是
- 5对流层的厚度
- 6鲁班观察什么草发明了锯?
- 718个队参加篮球比赛,如果进行单循环赛,则共需要比()场
- 8设偶函数f(x)的定义域为R,当x∈[0,+∞)时f(x)是增函数,则f(-2),f(π),f(-3)的大小关系是_.
- 9一个长方体水槽长1.5米宽1米高1.2米如果水深0.6米水槽内有水多少升?
- 10一个数由10个1.9个0.01和6个0.001组成,这个数是多少,精确到百分位是什么.