The advantage and disadvantage of learning English on the net by students at college
compared with the traditional one taught by the teacher
compared with the traditional one taught by the teacher
Advantage for learning english on the net instead of teacher teaching:
We can search what we want to search for
The internet is mostly correct
The net is fast and very convenient.
The net is always there and you and go on it whenever you want
Disadvantage for learning english on the net instead of teacher teaching:
If we don't have internet we don't cannot go onto the net to search for things
The teacher may know better about some stuff then the internet does.
The internet may be fake
The internet may contain inappropriate things.
We can search what we want to search for
The internet is mostly correct
The net is fast and very convenient.
The net is always there and you and go on it whenever you want
Disadvantage for learning english on the net instead of teacher teaching:
If we don't have internet we don't cannot go onto the net to search for things
The teacher may know better about some stuff then the internet does.
The internet may be fake
The internet may contain inappropriate things.
- 1如图,△ABC的面积是5平方厘米,AE=ED,BD=2DC.阴影部分的总面积是_ 平方厘米.
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- 8当x分别等于3和-3时,多项式6x2+5x4-x6+3的值是( ) A.互为相反数 B.互为倒数 C.相等 D.异号
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