Everyone worries.It's okay to worry sometimes.For example,if you haven't studied and it's time for a test,you will be worried about how you'll do it.
With worrying,the important thing is to find out if you can do something to make yourself worry less.For example,you might want to study hard for the test next time!Try to do something about what is causing your worries.Don't keep your worries to yourself.
Other worries are harder to solve.You might worry about problems at home,such as a divorce(离婚) in your family.You might not be able to solve such a problem.But you can talk about your worries with people who care about you.You don't have to tell everyone everything,but if you have serious worries,it's usually best to reach out to someone who can help.Parents and friends are the best choice.Teachers,doctors and nurses are helpful,too.You can also turn to the Internet when you are worried.You might want to use it as a starting point and then talk to someone about what you have learned on the Internet.
Sometimes worries can be too much.It can make small problems seem bigger than they are.Worrying can even make it hard to sleep and keep you from having fun and doing your best.
Everyone worries.It's okay to worry sometimes.For example,if you haven't studied and it's time for a test,you will be worried about how you'll do it.
With worrying,the important thing is to find out if you can do something to make yourself worry less.For example,you might want to study hard for the test next time!Try to do something about what is causing your worries.Don't keep your worries to yourself.
Other worries are harder to solve.You might worry about problems at home,such as a divorce(离婚) in your family.You might not be able to solve such a problem.But you can talk about your worries with people who care about you.You don't have to tell everyone everything,but if you have serious worries,it's usually best to reach out to someone who can help.Parents and friends are the best choice.Teachers,doctors and nurses are helpful,too.You can also turn to the Internet when you are worried.You might want to use it as a starting point and then talk to someone about what you have learned on the Internet.
Sometimes worries can be too much.It can make small problems seem bigger than they are.Worrying can even make it hard to sleep and keep you from having fun and doing your best.
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- 4英语翻译
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- 10I think my parents_____(true) care about me.
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- 2已知a、b、c、d为四个互不相同的整数,且abcd=6,求a+b+c+d的值
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- 4如果多项式2(a的平方+b的平方)(a+b)的平方的值为0,请你猜想a与b的关系,并说明理由.
- 5有没有小学六年级四则运算题
- 61-lnx=0 为什么x=e?
- 7一段方刚长是150cm,高和宽都是5cm,已知每立方厘米刚的质量是7.8g.这段方刚有多重?
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