1.The wedding ceremony celebration manages the word The respected fellow guests,fellow relatives and friendseverybody afternoon are good!Today is the A.D.*** year * month *date,outstandingly talented natural elegant bearing,quite has theChinese man male character Mr.** and good-looking dresses up Li to befresh may the person quite have Eastern female gentle virtuous fashiongirl lovable beautiful bride Miss **,the process acquaintance,thedear friend,loves the end to become the family member,as soon asties for hundred years well to gather.Their grave marriagecelebration lies in today a ** * minute,punctually to the ** buildinggrand hold,all guests I hoped you will stretch out the hand to come,for to the sincere applause,will give me to encourage?Officiallystarts at the ceremony......
2.The wedding ceremony manages the word Respect fellow guests,fellow relatives and friends:Everybodyis late very good!The day bestows the predestined match,on the highin the clouds the matchmaker has a smile; The flower operates and thepeduncle,green spring new person 踏歌 newlyweds newly married date,when good night beautiful scene.In in today this great happiness day,fellow relatives and friends have sent warm,has sent the friendship,sent has been propitious,has sent the happiest blessing.In this,I*** and its madame's request,to fellow leaders and relatives andfriends in spite of being very busy the presence expresses theheartfelt gratitude and the warm welcome.Under lets the male andfemale lead which I introduces for today:Looked that facialexpression is solemn......
2.The wedding ceremony manages the word Respect fellow guests,fellow relatives and friends:Everybodyis late very good!The day bestows the predestined match,on the highin the clouds the matchmaker has a smile; The flower operates and thepeduncle,green spring new person 踏歌 newlyweds newly married date,when good night beautiful scene.In in today this great happiness day,fellow relatives and friends have sent warm,has sent the friendship,sent has been propitious,has sent the happiest blessing.In this,I*** and its madame's request,to fellow leaders and relatives andfriends in spite of being very busy the presence expresses theheartfelt gratitude and the warm welcome.Under lets the male andfemale lead which I introduces for today:Looked that facialexpression is solemn......
- 1去年植树80万棵,今年植树比去年多10%.今年比去年多植多少万棵?
- 2小学向希望工程捐款,第一组捐了256元,第一组正好比第4组少捐5分之1,第4组捐了多少元
- 3notification
- 4期中中考题 从预防传染病的措施看 下列属于
- 5祭加偏旁组词
- 6P(X,Y)是椭圆(x^2)/4+y^2=1上的点,求(1)、y/(x-3)的取值范围 (2)、x^2+2倍根号3x+y^2的取值范围
- 7两辆完全相同的汽车,沿水平直线一前一后匀速行驶,速度均为v0,若前车突然以恒定的加速度刹车,在它刚停住后,后车以前车刹车的加速度开始刹车,已知前车在刹车过程中所行的距离
- 8将有机化合物A置于氧气流中充分燃烧,生成5.4gH2O和8.8gCO2消耗氧气6.72L
- 9已知集合A为双元素集合,且只含有元素2a+3和7-4a,则实数a的取值范围是
- 10听天气预报别只注意温度
- 1如果不等式3/2x-m≤0的正整数解为1,2,3,那么m的值可以是____(只写出一个满足条件的数即可
- 23分之1,10分之9,12分之7,15分之3,有几个是最简分数?
- 3half-quadratic splitting是什么意思
- 4微积分求导公式
- 55张完全相同的卡片分别写有号码12345,一次随机地取出3张,求取出的卡片上最大号码x的概率分布
- 6环境空气检测中,采集有机成分都包含哪些成分
- 7负4又4分之三在数轴的那个位置
- 8如图,已知直线a∥b,∠1=40°,∠2=60°.则∠3等于( ) A.100° B.60° C.40° D.20°
- 9造句 :联系生活,模仿例句写句
- 10我们亲如一家人作文,要求:关于民族团结如同一家人