求《小王子》的英文介绍 250字左右(多了没事)
The Little Prince (French: Le petit prince), published in 1943, is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's most famous novel, which he wrote in the United States while renting The Bevin House in Asharoken, New York, on Long Island. The novel includes a number of drawings by Saint-Exupéry himself, which are reproduced in most versions.
The book has been translated into more than 160 languages and, to date has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide. It is one of the top 50 best-selling books.[1] It has been adapted into a movie musical by Lerner and Loewe, two different operas, as well as into an animated series. It is often used as a beginner's book for foreign language students.
The book has been translated into more than 160 languages and, to date has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide. It is one of the top 50 best-selling books.[1] It has been adapted into a movie musical by Lerner and Loewe, two different operas, as well as into an animated series. It is often used as a beginner's book for foreign language students.
- 1如图,斜三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1中,AB=3,AC=2,AB⊥AC,A1C1⊥BC1侧棱与底面成60°角. (1)求证:AC⊥平面ABC1; (2)求证:C1在平面ABC上的射影H在直线AB上; (
- 2已知方程(3m+7)x2+(3m+4)y2=5m+12表示的曲线是椭圆,求m的取值范围.
- 3已知定义域为R的函数f(x)满足f(f(x)-x2+x)=f(x)-x2+x 设有且只有一个实数X0,使得F(X0)=X0.
- 4《水浒传》“鲁提辖拳打镇关西”的问题
- 5小学四年级病句、扩句、缩句、陈述句、反问句各120句
- 6把标有“12伏 12瓦”的灯L1和“12伏 6瓦”的灯L2串联起来接在电源电压为24伏的电路中.
- 7They want to e_________ the mysterious cave.并翻译
- 8正弦函数,f(x)=sin x 要画图的话
- 9心字底的字
- 10先化简,再求值[(x+2y)²-2(x+y)(x-y)-5y²]÷(2x),其中x=-2,y=12
- 1肺泡中的氧气进入肺泡周围的毛细血管的血液中,至少通过的细胞膜层数是( ) A.1层 B.2层 C.3层 D.4层
- 2《你并不是个坏孩子》
- 3They usually write their homework at home.这句话中有什么错误,并改正
- 4男/女服务员,男/女邮递员,男/女商人分别翻译成英文
- 5从一副扑克牌52张中任意抽出4张,求这4张恰好是同一花色的概率
- 6一个长方形的周长是4a-6b,它一边长是2a-b.(1).求他的另一边长是多少?(2).求他的面积是多少?
- 7勃勃生机的勃是什么意思
- 8一只平底锅烙饼,每次放两块饼,两面都要烙,每面需2分钟,烙5块饼至少几分钟,烙25张饼至少几分钟?
- 9音标 [r] 怎么读
- 10对数的化简问题