can you answer this question in English?
question:Can Internet online study replace the traditional classroom?
question:Can Internet online study replace the traditional classroom?
Answer: Internet online study cannot replace the tranditional classroom for several reasons. First, there are much less interactions between student and teacher in a internet study than in a real traditional classroom; second, internet study still has its limitation as the class can only be accessible through internet. So it is unlikely for the students who live in the villages or some other places without a good internet connection to take part in; third, in traditional classroom, you can enjoy the study atmosphere with your classmates, while in the internet study, you may easily find yourself bored or distracted. All in all, internet online study is a supplement of traditional study way other than a replacement.
Answer: Internet online study cannot replace the tranditional classroom for several reasons. First, there are much less interactions between student and teacher in a internet study than in a real traditional classroom; second, internet study still has its limitation as the class can only be accessible through internet. So it is unlikely for the students who live in the villages or some other places without a good internet connection to take part in; third, in traditional classroom, you can enjoy the study atmosphere with your classmates, while in the internet study, you may easily find yourself bored or distracted. All in all, internet online study is a supplement of traditional study way other than a replacement.
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