关键字:民营企业;员工; 激励机制
关键字:民营企业;员工; 激励机制
Employee motivation in small and medium-sized private enterprises in China
The 21st century is the times of knowledge-based economy. Compared with the times of industrial economy, it attaches far more importance to talents. Competitions among enterprises depend more on talents than products and technology. How many talents there are in an enterprise and how talented they are jointly determine the development of the enterprise. With the current trend towards globalization in talent competition, attracting talents plays an essential role in the steady development of numerous private enterprises in China. A thorny problem in human resources management is how to attract talents to work in the private enterprises. The key solution is the establishment and improvement of employee motivation mechanism so as to attract, keep and encourage talents and improve the efficacy of the enterprises.
The 21st century is the times of knowledge-based economy. Compared with the times of industrial economy, it attaches far more importance to talents. Competitions among enterprises depend more on talents than products and technology. How many talents there are in an enterprise and how talented they are jointly determine the development of the enterprise. With the current trend towards globalization in talent competition, attracting talents plays an essential role in the steady development of numerous private enterprises in China. A thorny problem in human resources management is how to attract talents to work in the private enterprises. The key solution is the establishment and improvement of employee motivation mechanism so as to attract, keep and encourage talents and improve the efficacy of the enterprises.
- 1半径是4,圆心角是135°的弧长是_.
- 2ABB形式的词语(叠词) 飘()() 后面括号里的字一样.写出下面句子中破折号的用法
- 3若关于X、Y的二元一次方程组X+Y=-3,X-2Y=A+3的解是负数,求A的取值范围.
- 4藏的笔顺是什么?
- 5已知函数y=ax的平方+k的图像经过(1,3分之5)和(-3,-1)
- 6实验室怎样自制蒸馏水,需要哪些设备
- 7Activity is the only road to knowledge .
- 8桂林的山水是怎样形成的啊?
- 9一场象棋比赛,甲乙丙共有10选手参加,每名都与其余9名选手各赛一局,每局胜者得1分,负者得0分,平局各得0.结果甲队选手平均得4.乙队选手平均得3.6分,丙队选手平均得9分,求甲乙丙队各有几人参赛
- 10①We have alredy d___ to set off early tomorrow morning
- 1居民家庭月用电量超过80千瓦时以下,(含80千瓦时,1千瓦时俗称1度)时,实行基本电价
- 21.物体在月球表面时的物重是它在地球表面时的6分之一,某物体在地球表面的质量是600g.
- 31)从A、B两水库向甲、乙两地调水,其中甲需水15万吨,乙地需水13万吨,A、B两水库各可调出水14万吨.从A地到甲地50千米,到乙地30千米;从B地到甲地60千米,到乙地45千米,设计一个方案使水的
- 4买椟还珠,东施效颦,邯郸学步是不是属于历史故事成语
- 5一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,每小时行60千米,2.5小时后,已行的路程与未行的路程比是2:3到达乙地还需多少小时
- 6(B)笑笑用13.6元买了20枚6角和8角的邮票,6角和8角的邮票各有多少枚?
- 7有4条直边的图形是四边形吗
- 8he can see the ball under the chair.改为一般疑问句
- 9"减负 "后,我们学校开设了丰富多彩的活动. 修改病句,怎么改呀?
- 10蟑螂捕蝉黄雀在后什么意思