Learning to live in the same room can be exciting and frightening for those who have never lived away from home before.You and your roommates will need to sit down ,and discuss about the arrangement in regard to the cleaning of your room.Thesooner you agree on a schedule that may include your work ,the easier this transition will be .A full-time studend can adjusteasily to ehis type of situation because many classes ,studying hours and extra-curriculum activities are scheduled for them .Fitting your personal life-style into these routines will not be so much of a challenge as one minght think .However ,this can be a life long learning experience that will teach you and others about how to interact with strangers on a daily personal basis
Learning to live in the same room can be exciting and frightening for those who have never lived away from home before.You and your roommates will need to sit down ,and discuss about the arrangement in regard to the cleaning of your room.Thesooner you agree on a schedule that may include your work ,the easier this transition will be .A full-time studend can adjusteasily to ehis type of situation because many classes ,studying hours and extra-curriculum activities are scheduled for them .Fitting your personal life-style into these routines will not be so much of a challenge as one minght think .However ,this can be a life long learning experience that will teach you and others about how to interact with strangers on a daily personal basis
- 11.八分之三减去四分之三的五分之一,差是多少?2.三分之二的五分之一比六分之五少多少?
- 2铁泥,氧化皮能直接下炉吗?
- 3请问说明方法里有 “假设” 这种方法么?相关说法来源于小学语文5年级《假如没有灰尘》一课!
- 410.7g氯化铵与足量氢氧化钙混合共热,问最多可以制得标准状况下的氨气多少升?_.
- 5inform sb of sth中的of sth是什么成分?它和tell sb sth(谓动+双宾)又不同
- 6初三``相似多边形
- 7判断题:表面积相等的两个正方体,体积也相等
- 8一架计算器进价为60元,若商家准备盈利15%,则售价为多少元?
- 9已知点A(-3,n)是反比例函数图像上的一个点,与原点O,B(3,0)围成的三角形的面积为3
- 10十加三减六等于几?10+3-6=?
- 1=1/2*(sin2x-cos2x)-1/2是怎么变成 =√2/2*sin(2x+π/4)-1/2
- 2Remember that life is full of ups and downs,and without the downs,the ups would mean nothing.
- 3孟郊 京山行 翻译并简评
- 4商务英语里表示数量增加的词汇有哪些
- 5求 夏姑娘请听我说作文
- 6形容荷花的诗句
- 7已知等比数列a1 a2 a3 的和为定值m(m>0) 且其公比q
- 8与圆(x-2)^2+(y+1)^2=1关于直线x-y+3=0成轴对称的曲线方程是
- 913x-x=18.9 解方程
- 10别人祝你新年快乐你回答,可不可以说The some to you